Chapter six

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The rest of the day was difficult. I was now in a grumpy mood, and didn’t need anymore of Peter’s crap, let alone Eric and his bossy attitude.

Today Four was showing us how to throw knives, something I was not excited for. Knives scare me and I can’t even handle looking at, let alone touch one.

“Everyone, grab 3 knives and stand in front of the target!” Four yells at us, making me jump. Tris rolls her eyes.

“Do you always have to yell?” He turns around and looks at her with an angry expression.

“What makes you think you can just call out and talk to me?”

“I give myself permission.” She replies all smart like.

“Well don’t, it’ll get you into trouble, and that is a really good way to get you killed.” He growls, preceding to show us how to stand and throw. After a couple of examples, he turns the time over to us. With my hand shaking, I aim for my point.

“You’re holding back a bad memory, I can see it. You need to let go, all that memory is going to do is just weaken you, and that won’t cut it here.” Four whispers in my ear.

“How do I let go?” I ask honestly, “I want to let go, but I don’t know how to.” I continue with a shaky breath.

“Fill your hand with anger, then just throw the knife. Let all your anger and pain out on the target. Trust me, I know.” He replies leaving me to help others. I grip the end of the knife and throw it, making it break the target, but land in the middle. I throw my second, making it land next to the first, and the third landing above the second and first. By now everyone is looking at me in complete aw. Peter walks up to me and grabs my arm.

“You’re getting in my way. I swear if you don’t sto-“

“Peter, I would suggest if you want make it past initiation, worry about your own ranking, not Scar’s, because at this point, jealously is going to ruin your chance making it into Dauntless. So if I were you, I would shut your little mouth and worry about yourself. “Four explains then walking over to me.

“You ok?” I rub my arm where he had been holding.

“I’m fine.” He nods his head, and walks away, helping others, and keeping a close eye on Peter. 

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