Chapter fifteen

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The next day was painful. I couldn't feel anything in my nose, which was good, but my ankle was in sheer pain.

Yes, I am admitting that I hurt. I usually never really admit to anything, especially when it comes to pain, but this time, I am.Four apologized many times, and continues to, I don't blow him off, but I do wave him away telling him its all good.

Today was the final for the fear simulation, which means jeanine will be there.

"Take deep breaths, and keep a steady heartbeat." Four whispers in my ear, as I walk up to the chair. I nod my head, and feel the serum fill my veins as I lay down, then suddenly everything goes dark.


Everything is the same, same as before in my practice tests. The dark room, the city, my basement. My fear of guns, water, everything. But this time, something is different. I'm in the Amity fields, happy families working, laughter, smiles. I look down to see I'm still in my Dauntless uniform. I walk up to someone and the look in their face was sheer terror.

"You ruined everything. Everything is gone because of you."

"No It'-" I look around to then see all the trees burned down, the grass no longer a perfect green, but a brown color. The buildings are torn down and smoke fills the air.

"You did this Samantha." A hoarse voice states behind me. I turn around to see Four, beat up and bloody.

"I did this?" I ask, as tears roll down my cheeks. He nods his head before he falls to the ground.


I lunge forward, with beads of sweat rolling down my forehead.

"You did good, you stayed in there for 10 minutes, longer than you have ever stayed in. You did perfect." Four says, calming me down. I nod my head, and carefully jump down.

"I'm going to go take a shower, I'll be back in 15." I say, patting Four's shoulder. He agrees and lets me go. As I'm walking down the hallway, a hand comes up behind me, and a metal blade cuts into my side.

"Make a sound and I'll make the cut deeper." I whimper and follow the man into a car. I stare out the window and let silent tears fall as I watch the only place I trusted fall farther and farther away from me.

*Four's POV*

It's been 45 minutes now and Scar hasn't come back from the showers yet. I walk up to Jeanine and tap her shoulder. She turns around and tries to act surprised , but she covers her act with a smile.

"What can I do for you?"

"Have you seen Scar anywhere?" I ask, looking over her shoulder.

"No, I haven't, I thought she was with you." She states, still smiling.

"She was, but she left for a shower, and hasn't been back since." I explain.

"Disappointing, she must have gotten lost." She says mockingly. I start to turn around when she suddenly grabs my shoulder harshly. "when you find her, will you tell her that I want to to talk to her about her fighting skills. They are above average. She has natural talent, and I want that." I nod and tear my shoulder out of her grip and walk out of room and down the hallway.

"Have you seen Scar?" I ask Peter who is standing with a beer bottle in his hand and his arm around some random girl.

"If I did, why would I tell you?" I walk up to him slowly , grab his bottle and smash it, grabbing a piece of glass and press it against his throat.

"Because I have the full motion to kill you right now, in front of your little girlfriend." I growl. He drops his smile and slowly pushes my hand away.

"I didn't see everything, but all I saw was Scar walking away with some guy. They went that way." He says, pointing to the right.

"Thank you." I say calmly, walking in the same direction as Peter pointed out. I finally get outside, but I see nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I have to find Scar, I have to.

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