Chapter sixteen

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It's been two days and no one knows where Scar is, which has scared me beyond fear.

Today was the usual, keep the training up. But I couldn't train others when i'm broken.

"Listen Four, you need a break, why don't you cover my place in the control room." Eric states. I let out a sigh and grab knife, making my way to the control room.

An hour later and all is calm, so quiet, I could probably sleep. Suddenly, I hear guns shots, and I see a woman in a Dauntless uniform with blonde hair and a gun. I grab my knife and walk slowly and quietly to the scene.

"LISTEN UP!! You all need to follow my orders, or you die, understood?" She yells.

"Why should we listen to y-" A gun shot was fired and Tris fell to the floor. I let out an angry breath. No one can come in and just start shooting people.

"Anyone else wanna ask any questions?" She asks. "good, grab a gun a follow me." She continues. I turn around to see Peter running up to me.

"Four, listen, that's Scar." I laugh and look him in the eyes.

"That can't be, Scar has a scar, maybe that's the reason why that's her name." I mock. He slaps me across the face then sternly looks me in the eyes.

"I am not kidding. I heard Jeanine talk to some Erudite people about Scar, and she said that, that woman in the blonde is her." I take a step back and start running. I jump onto the train.

Erudite made a big mistake.

I finally find my way into Erudite, specifically their lab. There I find Jeanine, messing around with a computer. I run up to her and smash her against a wall.

"What did you do to her?" I growl. She just laughs and shoves me off of her.

"Oh, you mean Samantha?" Suddenly someone pushes me into a glass cabinet, making the cabinet break and glass shattering everywhere. I look up to see Scar above me. She has different a different eye color, different hair color, but more importantly, her scar is completely gone. No trace of it ever being there. "I programmed something in her brain, that changes everything about her. Her personality, her looks, everything." Scar then picks up a large piece of glass and stabs it in the side if my stomach. I let out a yells and arch my back. I feel the life in me drain out as I pull the glass out and grab the closest thing next to me.

A gun.

Scar crawls back onto of me, and punches me repeatedly in the face. I lifelessly lift the gun up to her face.

"Scar, listen to my voice, you don't wanna do this." I state slowly. I then lean over and cough up blood. I look back to still the anger filled Scar, but this time I hold the gun up to my face. "please, don't I love you. Please." I cough some more, "don't do this. Fight back like the Scar I know." Her finger that was once wrapped around the trigger, lets go, and I open my eyes to see a woman with green eyes, black hair, and a scar. "that's my girl." I smile sadly as I cough again.

"I-I did this to you?" She cries and her hand snakes around the back of my neck and holds me up. Suddenly Peter and Will run in.

"Take him back to Dauntless, take him to the Doctor." I hear her muffle between sobs. I start to close my eyes, but open them tiredly when she slightly shakes me awake.

"Don't you dare leave me. You can't leave me. Not yet." I place my hand on her cheek.

"I'm not leaving. I could never leave you. Remember, I'm here to protect you." I let my hand fall, and close my eyes once and for all.

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