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Taehyung step out of the car together with Mrs Song whose holding a file. He felt nervous as ever, it will be his first time though.

His face made an awed expression as he see the large mansion. From the gate, garden and the front door, you will see how rich the owners.

"Are you ready Taehyung?", Mrs Song asked.

Taehyung nodded and followed the old women. She knock for multiple times, few moments later a maid welcome and told them to come in.

The maid call Mr Jeon telling him about the arrival of the 'visitors'.

Mr Jeon walked down to the living room to meet two people, one old female and a young man.

Taehyung and Mrs Song bowed to senior jeon.

"Good Afternoon, have a sit and discuss this". Mr. Jeon said

They sit on the couch while the other male sat on a single sit across them. Mrs Song gave the file that includes Taehyung's profiles.

The old man read the papers. The whole place is engulf with silence while the youngest male is nervous, not knowing what to do, fidgeting his fingers looking down.

"It states here that you've never experience to bare anyone because many rejected you"

"Yes Sir", Taehyung replied, not looking in the eyes of the man in front of him.

"Do you know the reason?"

"I- i don't exactly know Sir but the other surrogates told me that said that I'm too pretty that makes their other half drool over me and they get jealous. And i know its not true", he said scratching his nape.

"You're actually pretty", Mr. Jeon complimented.

Taehyung blushed.

"Anyway, i chose you because according to your reproductive results, you're very much fertile and I need an heir immediately. I chose you even you never had client before, be grateful for that"
"But, here's the condition. If the child have some problems like incomplete fingers, have physical features problems, inherited diseases or any bad result from your pregnancy that may lead baby failures, you know the money that I will pay to you will come back to us. The baby will go to orphanage or throw out", Mr Jeon explained in monotone, the sweet voice change real quick.

Taehyung become silent. He knows the rule. If the baby have physical, psychological and genetic inherited problems, born prematurely and have incomplete body parts, the baby will go to orphanage or killed by the doctors, which something crucial specially for the surrogates.

Its one of the rules in any surrogacy centers in the country. If the baby fails to be born with a perfect features, the clients will not accept the child or children that the surrogates bared.

"That is the reason you will be staying with us throughout the pregnancy. You will be monitored from your food, cravings, exercises and everything. I will position doctor with you".

"So that we can assure that the baby will have the right nutrients and life" Mr. Jeon added.

"Thank you sir", Mrs. Song bowed.

The old jeon left them after bidding a short goodbye.

"Good luck Tae, you can do this okay", the women held Taehyung's hand, carressing it in assurance.

"Yes noona, i'm so excited!", Taehyung squealed in delight. Finally after 3 years, he finally could able to use the ability that goddess gave him.

Mrs Song left the mansion after giving Taehyung instructions in everything he needed to remember. Although he knew that already.

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