Hoseok announces their arrival in the entrance of the resort owned by Namjoon and Jin. They came out of the van, later the staffs came in welcomed the owners and their visitors."Hi, Mr. Kim!", All fours staffs greeted, simultaneously.
"Hi to all of you. Did you prepare our rooms already?", Jin ask
"Yes Sir", says by Ms. Choi, the head manager of the resort.
"Good, please help us here then lead the way", Namjoon motioned.
The staffs immediately obeys. Taehyung was about to carry his own duffle bag when Jungkook stopped him. ' I'll take care of it ', he mouthes but Jin stops him, pointing at something, signalling him to get it
"Staffs will take care of our luggage, get that wheelchair, make Taehyung sit on it either he like it or not and push it", he orders, Jungkook follows. Jungkook arranged it and motioned Taeh to sit, the other didn't budge, too amazed at the view in front of them. So he grab his hands to make him sit on the wheelchair and remove the gloves.
"You don't need to wear this. People will not judge you here" he reminds as he pushes the rolling chair.
The others complies, they were now heading to the room prepared by them. Its the secluded rooms with complete needs besides Jin and Namjoon are the owner so they got what they all needs.
"There are three available rooms in this private villas. The first one will be ours, next is the trio's room which consist of three king size beds, balcony, swings, personal bathroom and kitchen but we're going to eat together during lunch. The third rooms is for Taehyung and Jungkook, they also have two queen sized beds, same necessities with us", Jin explain.
They all nods then head out to their rooms. Jungkook pushed Taehyung to their own room while the other silently rubs his stomach, the unborn baby is kicking him. He's probably hungry by now.
They went in and Taehyung stood up from his sit to take a full view of the place. He is so amazed from all the things his eyes caught. It's the first time he went to this kind of place and very much thankful to Jin because he had a chance to experience this. Everything amazes him from the design, arrangements, and the resort itself. He'll take a good look of this later.
"Taeh, do you want to eat?"
"I want pasta..", he says nonchalantly, he felt like craving about pasta although he is already in the third trimester. He then looked at Jungkook who is already wearing shorts and sleeveless shirt, holding a walkie talkie, he probably talks to himself too much while the other is busy changing his clothes.
"Okay, drinks?"
"Just water please", the latter nods.
Taehyung heard Jungkook asking the staffs through the walkie talkie, few moments later he felt a hard kick in his bladder. "Not now please", he pleaded the baby yet the unborn one is not listening to him andgave him another kick.
He sat down in the end of the bed as he rubs his right abdomen with pained expression. Jungkook notices and immediately ended the call, he went to Taehyung.
"What's wrong?", He ask
"C- Can you touch me here?", He pointed out.
The other reaches the right side of his tummy and rubs his tummy. "Did he kick you hard?" the latter nods.
Jungkook went near and whispers, "Don't be hard on Tete, hm? Can you do that baby?", Jungkook's hands lathers around and he didn't feel any kicks.
"Did they listen to you? Seriously", he complains.

Fanfiction[completed] Surrogate Taehyung met the CEOs son, Jungkook