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Third person point of view

Jeongguk stares at his surroundings outside the car window as he passes through the buildings in the highway. It was a bit pretty scene in his eyes yet it bores him at the same time. He is silently wishing in heavens to see different view. Getting tired of the pollution and tall hotels but no trees or greens to sight.

He is not the one driving as of the moment. He decided to hire a driver so that his energy is still stabilize as he go home.

Jeongguk remembered the painting that Taehyung gifted him last week, out of nowhere. He unconsciously smile. He really appreciate the other male gave him.

There was a lot of time that the hyungs or the whole gang gave him gifts, foods, and even emotional support. But things that Taehyung's did to him is extremely and undeniably appreciated by him.

They were strangers.

He met a lot of them, yet, Taehyung is different.

A different stranger.

That surrogate cares for him. Without expecting in return.

Speaking of the male, Jungkook got the idea to buy delicacy for Taehyung. A Thank you gift.

He will surprise him.

The male must've been always hungry.

The male was pregnant so it's reasonable and okay.

He told the driver to stop by in any shops that sells pastry or cakes.

He went out of the car and walks to the shop that caught his attention. The seller gave him a warm smile and let him choose the dessert.

After that, he paid for it and went back to the car while the driver is waiting for him.

Mang Toni, the driver's name, opened the car door for him. He thanked him and told to the old man to drove him to the condominium unit.


They arrived safely at the apartment parking lot. Jungkook told the the driver to go home to have an early evening with his family which Mang Toni gladly accepted.

It was around 6 pm in the evening. The surrogate would still up by now.

He walked in the elevator and pointed the floor were he and Taehyung's apartment.

He knocked for a few times and seconds later, someone opened the door. It was Taehyung.

His eyes sparkles as he see Taehyung's looks. Today, Taehyung wore a maternity dress, his bump is showing a curve, it looks cute.

The other male gave him a sleepy look. He raise his eyebrows a little bit. Being disturbed at his sleepy state

"Why are you here?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook went back to his senses. "H-Hi..?" He said, stuttering a little.

"I'm actually here to give you this", he showed him a long rectangular shape box.

Taehyung's sleepy state slept away that easy. He was actually hungry. He just woke up two minutes ago.

The surrogate stretch his hand and open his palm. His eyes enlarged. His mouth is salivating by looking at that desert box. He is not a pig, blame that on his pregnancy.

"Will you let me in for a moment please ? ", He said

"Oh", Taehyung says. He realize that they were in the doorway. Good things, there is no such people around the hallway.

He let Jungkook in and the other seat on the couch. The latter just followed him and sit at the other end

"Here" Jungkook give him the box.

"Thank you!"

"No problem, its a thank you gift from the painting last week", he said shyly, a small blush shows up in his cheeks, good thing Taehyung didn't notice. Too busy eating that donuts.

"What flavor is this?" Taehyung asked.


And he hear Taehyung chokes and runs to the bathroom.

He panicked and runs to Taehyung's, seeing him clutching his stomach.

He rubs his back and get the bottle of water in the kitchen.

As Taehyung finished. He guide him to the living room again.

"What happens to you?" He questioned.

"I am allergic with nuts"

Nuts is one of the source of protein and also good for the pregnancy and for a healthy baby, but Taehyung is different in that part. He is allergic with nuts, any kind of nuts. He will have the problem with breathing or his skins will show spots.

(a/n: just random. my brother have an allergy with any types of pastry products, specifically those have contains yeast)

Jungkook, of course he didn't know that.

Now, Jungkook wants to smack himself.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know", Jungkook bowed at him, multiple times.

"It's okay. You didn't know" but Jungkook didn't stop apologizing to him.

"Stop apologizing, will you. It's okay. You didn't know about it. I know you have a good intentions"

By that, the other male stopped.

"There's also carrot, potatoes, sweet potatoes and cabbage, chocolate and strawberry flavored donut in there"

"You can choose, just removed the 1 walnut left"

Taehyung nods, understanding it.

Jungkook still blames himself, he was ashamed of what he does.

He grabbed his small case bag and told Taehyung that he will leave now.

The other male reminded him again to not to worry but the other didn't listen.

He hurriedly left the apartment.

Well, they might not see each other again because of that.


(a/n: in this story, JK never like if he upset someone or makes mistakes. If he was ashamed, he shuts down his self and everyone)

Just a reminder, don't be too ashamed if you make a small mistake. Everyone does the same and you're a human, we're not a perfect being.

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