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Taehyung came to his new temporary home. The place is actually near to Jungkook's condominium. He brought his feet in the sofa, he got tired from walking and fixing his things.

He looked up in the ceiling and stare for a minutes, just emptying his thoughts for a while.

Being a surrogate suppose to be fun, only caring at the baby planted in his womb and wait for it to grow, deliver it and his job is done.

He shouldn't feel stress just for having a multi millionaire of a client. Changing one place to another and was asked to avoid people near Jungkook. They're good friends. The other male is his first friend after those people in surrogate community. He can't deny the fact that the father of Jungkook is giving him a headache and hard to read.

He don't know the reason of the warning but he will follow him, it's written in the contract. He thought that his payments will be subtracted if he didn't listen.

Taehyung felt a small kick in his abdomen. He wince slightly. He rub it to sooth the pain until he realize something.

The baby kicked.

The baby KICKED!!

He have to call Jungkook for this good news. He grab his phone from his pocket and immediately dials the number.

Few seconds later, the other line answered the call.


"Jungkookie..." Taehyung said, trying to stop himself from squealing.

"Jungkookie...?" He repeated.

Taehyung cough, his excitement makes him spit words that he wasn't allowed.

"I actually want to tell you that the baby kicked"
He whispered.

"Really..?", He replies.

"Yes. I called because I'm just happy"

"I'm really happy too, Taeh"

"Is the baby kicking again?"


"Please put your phone down, I want to hear it too", and Taehyung did what he was ask to do.

The baby seemed to know that his father is looking for him/her so she kick Taehyung harder this time.

"Ow!" Taehyung winced.

They're in loud speaker.

"What happened to you, Taehyung..?" Jungkook asked from the other line.

"Did you hear the kick? That's your child. He/She kick harder this time"

"I didn't, honestly"

Taehyung just hummed.

"Anyways, I'll be coming over tomorrow there. Make me breakfast, 'kay"

"Yeah, yeah, okay bye. I have to fix my stuff"

"Bye, Taehyung. Please be safe"

"I will be" and they ended the call.


The next morning Taehyung heard a knock in his apartment. He opened the door expecting to see the raven haired male, instead he saw the very familiar Doctor Kim.

"Morning Taehyungie"

"Oh, Good Morning Doc Hyung" he greeted as he let the men go in. He was about to carry a bag when Jin stop him.

"No touching", Jin said, pretending to glare at the other. He knows how punctual he is but not now, in his condition being heavily pregnant.

"Did you eat your breakfast already?" The doctor ask.

"Not yet. I just finished making my it"

"Did you follow your diet routine or you avoided looking at it again?"

"Yes. Bananas and kiwi slices with salad and pork, lemon juice" Taehyung says, showing his brightest smile.

"Very good!" He complement.

"Why didn't you ate already, it's past 8:00 ?"

"I'm waiting for Jungkook?"

The doctor just nods and proceed to go to his own room. Taehyung followed him.

"Did you already ate your morning meal, doc hyung"

"Yeah, with Joonie", Jin says, slightly blushing.

Taehyung is about to go out when Jin remember something.

"Namjoon promised me that we will lunch in a restaurant together to a restaurant he have a reservation, wanna go?

He shakes his head. "No hyung, I have some stuffs to do"


Taehyung left the room. He looked at his phone, 8:30. Jungkook should be in his office this time. He thought that Jungkook forget about his promise considering that the other has a hectic schedule as the father of the male gave him tons of task because his little appearance with the company.

In then, he chose to eat his breakfast, he reach the fruit slices in the refrigerator and eat it while lazily walking at the living room.

After that, he go back to his room and notices a box of his paint brushes, paint along with canvas in different size.

He got the idea to draw someone, whom he promised to paint months ago.

He check his paints and look at its label, another thing that is not allowed for pregnant males is to smell paints, he have to finds paint that are non toxic.

He grab all the materials and tools he needs and set up his small working station.

He don't have the picture of that person so he look for it in the internet to use as a reference.

He started by using brushes with dirty yellow color base and spread it the canvas. He uses brown paint to give as guidelines of the structure of the person. And painted it with other colors that gives the life of a painting.

Few hours later, he is finally done. Jin left him earlier and actually saw the art Taehyung is working on and complimented him at his talent.

Taehyung smile, he can't wait to show it to someone.


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