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Third person point of view

Taehyung woke up as the sunlight beams directly in his eyes. He clears his eyes using his hands and sigh sharply then smile lightly. No aches. Thankfully

He shifted a little and the rush of pains to his back up to pelvic came back. Taehyung mutters thousands of bad words in his head.

His pain came back

There's no break, he guesses.

Instead of staying in his bead for another hour, he decides to stand up and searched for his bunny designed slippers.

He didn't know but he couldn't distinguish the reason for liking this bunny slippers, he dislikes it before and prefer the tiger one.

It must be his pregnancy brains.

He walked slowly to the bathroom and began to began to undress himself in front of the body length mirror

As he remove his underwear, he saw the clear vision of his body in the mirror.

There were more stretch marks on his body that he remembered. The very faint pink stretch marks that had only been on his ass and bottom of his stomach had expanded. More tiny lines had marred the sides of his hips, a couple reaching as far as the bottom of his ribs. The limes were tiny and pale, but just like the ones on his ass, they would increase in size.

He or he may not feel really ugly about it.

He look at them closely and his eyes began to drop small droplets of tears.

He felt ugly about all of it.

And he notice his face and chin are now double chins.

He felt fat.

He sniffles silently, he don't want Doctor Jin to know that he is currently having his emotional state.

He then wipe away the tears in his eyes and reminds himself that the things he currently happening in his life is his destined life, to be a surrogate and bare a child in exchange of money and freedom (for a few months).

Taehyung step inside the shower and wash himself. He started by watering his hairs and lathered a lavender scent shampoo.

He uses scrubs and drop a small coconut body wash and spread around his body to his stomach.

He have a hard time doing it as he don't see his lower body anymore.

He gained almost 11 lbs and now he was 121 lbs from his previous weight, which is 110 lbs.

Doctor Jin advices him to stop eating processed sweet foods and have limitation of amount in sweet fruits.

The set of food that is only allowed for him to it is green leafy vegetables, small portion of pork, chicken, beef and seafood. He is also allowed to it avocados which is helpful for baby's growth.

His bump grew largely too.

His feets is aching too, even his former slippers with size seven didn't fit him anymore.

His clothes didn't fit him now, but at least his client were really good enough to give him oversized shirts that can fit the bump.

One thing that he is thankful for is that he don't have morning sickness. He can't deal with throwing up all the yummy dishes that Jin made from last night's.

He is now done with cleaning himself and his bed. He stepped out of the room to look for Jin but he was distracted by the aroma of toast so he went to the kitchen.

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