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It was a Monday morning ,you had just moved into your apartment in the city, it was so close to everything, the lake, boutiques. You really liked living in your apartment. You went downtown to buy some decor for your apartment. You went inside and noticed it was a very large store. You went inside and found several cute pictures and plants for your new home. You saw a man standing there ,looking around like an idiot. "Hi." He said smiling. "I was looking for the frames? The picture?" He mumbled. "They're that way. I'm Y/N." You told him pointing at the picture isle. "Nathan Drake." He smirked. You bought some plants and
went back to your apartment to decorate the place. You heard a knock on the door. It was Nathan. "Nathan. Hi." You smiled. "You can call me Nate."
You both paused for a moment. "Do you need something?" You asked him. "Yeah um I'm actually looking for my brother i know he's around here somewhere but I haven't seen him in a couple of days." Nate said. "What's his name?" "Sam Drake." Nate replied. "I'm sorry I haven't but I see him down at the pizzeria a lot ,he orders and goes down by the dock and ..eats." You said awkwardly. "Thanks." Nate said. "I'll see you around Nate." You said. "Wait." Nate said. "Would you wanna go out with me this Friday night?" He added. "Sure." You smiled.

You and Sam have been best friends since you were thirteen. One day you were downtown looking for a man named Victor Sullivan, he was going to give you some money so that you could help your Mom pay your light bill. (You were very poor) Mr. Sullivan!" You said tracking him down. "Riley, how ya doin' kid?" He asked. "Good." Riley smiled. "Where is it?" Riley asked. "Where's what?" Sully stated. "The money." Riley replied. "You could have at least given me a hug." Sully said. "Sorry, business." You smirked as you began to walk away. A book snuck up behind Sully and tried to steal his wallet, he wasn't as successful as Nate. The boy ran with the wallet. "Hey!" He said chasing him down. You both ran down the alley and began to run beside each other. You both hid on top of a roof where Sully couldn't reach you. You caught your breath. "I'm Sam." He said. "Riley ,why did you steal his wallet?" He asked. "It has money ,and look ,what a dork." He said. "Well that was exciting." Sam said. "Scary." You replied.

It was a Cold rainy Saturday night in Marion Forks Oregon ,you were headed up to Crater Lake to camp out and have a girls day with your best friend Eileen." You both walked up until you saw a bar, so you guys decided to rest there and grab a bite to eat. You saw several motorcycles pull into the lot.
You saw a man with a backwards hat and scruffy facial hair walk inside of the bar ,he glanced over at you ,your eyes returning to your combat boots.
"Look at him." Eileen smiled. "Shut up." You said. You went inside for a moment to grab some BBQ sandwiches then you went back outside and sat on the wet concrete with Eileen. "Here." The man said as he handed you car keys. "You can drive it for now ,it doesn't have insurance but you should be okay just a couple of miles ahead." He said. "I'm Deacon." He added. "Y/N." You replied.
"And thank you." You added.

John is a strong determined man and anyone he meets that he has an interest in he is determined to keep safe.
You live in the small town of Saint Denis. You lived alone ,you used to live with your brother until he moved away to college. You went outside to go to the western saloon. You went inside and saw a man sitting there with a cowboy hat and long hair. All of the men tried to hit on you ,you weren't really into it so you left. The man followed shortly behind you. "Hello Mr." You said. "Umm where are you headed?" He asked. "Why do you ask?" You questioned. "Well there's a umm theater up here ,well it's more of a hangout but maybe we could, I could take you there?" He said shyly. "Sure. What was your name again?" You asked him. "John." He said. "I'm Y/N." You said. "Me and my friends will meet you there tonight." You smiled.

Nier was a strong man on the outside, but deep down he was an underappreciated sweetheart. You went into town to find an old ancient building. You sat there and wrote in your journal. You saw a pattern that looked like it lead to something. You began to press it to see what it was but before you could a man stopped you. "Hey!" He said. "Hi umm I wasn't doing anything." You said. "It's okay." He chuckled. "And by the way that leads to the other side of town. I'm Nier." He said reaching to shake your hand. "I'm Y/N." You replied.

Leon is a sweet, handsome man. He always picture his future life but never really wanted to settle down. You worked as a police officer in racoon city. You went inside the R.P.D. and sat at your desk ,you had a call about a bank robbery. You went downtown to investigate where you saw a huge fire blazing in the air. You hid behind a car and covered your ears as you heard gunshots. You began to fire your gun without looking. "Here." A boy said as he handed you a gun. "You're gonna have to make a run for it." He said. "I'll to with you." He said. "I'm Y/N." You said. "Leon." He said as you both ran down closer to the fire.

You and your best friend Ciri were going to the ball this Saturday at the Novigrad hall. You were so excited. You went downtown to buy a dress. You loved dresses. You saw this beautiful white dress in the window of the boutique shop. You went inside to see you price. It was a $100.00 dress. You bought it with your savings. "I'm Geralt." He said. "Of Rivia? You'rethe one the whole towns talking about?" You asked. "That's me." He smiled. "Princess Y/N of Novigrad." You stated. "My princess." He said bowing down. "It's okay . I'm not big on the "bowing." You said. "Would you accompany to the town dance?" Geralt asked. "Yes." You replied bushing.

Cullen is sarcastic which is one thing that leads him to trouble. He was protecter of the town. He was very defensive of anyone that made fun of his bloodline or his family.
You walked outside oneday and noticed a meeting at the local church. You snuck into the church and hid behind a pew. "Ma'am." The priest whispered looking over at you. "Priest! Who is hiding there?" The blonde man asked. "Show yourself to me." He said. You stood up and came closer to him. His eyes lit up. The guards came towards you. "Wait!" He said. "What is your name?" He asked you. "Y/N." You said shyly. "Cullen." He said.

It was a Friday morning in Queens ,NY. You just moved into your apartment with your younger brother. You went to the high school library to get some text books for your upcoming test.
You grabbed your books then went downstairs to leave. "Ow!" You said as you felt someone run into you. "I'm sorry!" He said. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm sorry I should've watched were I was going." You smiled. "Parker ,Peter, Peter Parker." He said.
"L/N,Y/N ,Y/N L/N." You smirked. "Y/N." He smiled.

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