~His vows~

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Y/N , I promise to:
Be spontaneous, cherish each moment, be fair,he willing ,witness your beautiful life, always take time for us ,dream with you ,always wake beside you. I promise to be your biggest fan ,I promise to laugh together ,love together, encourage you to chase your dreams and love you forever.

"You know I'm not good with words." Sam chuckled.
I choose you. To be no there than yourself, loving and trusting who you will become. I will respect and honor you ,Always and in all ways I take you to be my wife. From this day forward in this world to the next.

I promise to ..make you laugh. Be honest ,patient, kind & forgiving. Hold your hand in the car ,always kiss you goodnight, trust you,write you love notes ,never lose faith,encourage you. Listen,tell you my dreams that will probably be about you. Try to see the best before the worst ,comfort you ,be devoted ,learn to respect you, use kind words ,be your lover and your best friend, make memories always ,and be the Man God wants me to be.

I love you because you actually put effort into me. I love you because nobody has ever given me the love that you have given me ,no one looks through my past the way taht you do ,you are the only one that could ever love me this way.
I love you because you make me feel taht I am worth something. I love you because you have a nurturing nature and take care of me. I love you because you made me smile when I forgot how to. I love you because you have a huge and honest heart. I love you and every little detail about you. I love you because you are simply you. I loveyou ,just because.

NIER: I take you, Y/N ,to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love. I promise to encourage you & inspire you. To live you through good times & bad. I will forever be there to laugh with you and to lift you up when you are down and to unconditionally love you through all our adventures.

Y/N ,my princess
I love you because you are happy and adventurous and strong. I love you because you love your family and friends just as fiercely as I love mine. Also, I love that your family has become mine and my family has became one. You are my best friend and I am so happy that we are on the same team. You are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could have ever imagined and more loved than I ever thought was possible. You make me unbelievably proud and promise that I will make you roud as your husband, I vow to listen to you ,learn from you, I vow to cut our differences as much as our common ground. I vow to put all my effort into strengthening our marriage and version of Y/N. On our good or bad days ,rain or shine. I'll love you forever, my queen.

I will kill the spiders. I will share my fries with you and when finish all of your fries and are still hungry ,just know you can always have mine. I will kiss your paper-cuts and door-slammed fingers and the counter-bumped hip. I'll try my best not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. I will let you win at wrestling I will send you random text and silly gifts I will check your tire pressure and remind you to take your car in. I will hold your hand. I will love you. I will love you forever,Y/N.

Every promise I make to you is one I feel is not a burden ,but rather a gift -i GET to I GET to have you be the person I spend the rest of my life with, I GET to be there for you and support you. It is my fantastic pleasure to be in the position to get to be there for you ,my love.

When you cry I promise to wipe your tear
when you're scared I promise to hold your hand

when you laugh I will laugh with you

when you're hurt I will take the pain and make it mine

when I say I love you I mean that I will love you forever you're my soul mate, my best friend
and I want to spend forever with you

this ring I gave you means eternity and whatever the future holds for us ,I
promise that we will face it no matter
what because we can do anything as long as we have each other.

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