Christmas sneak peak

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You woke up on Christmas day ,you hadn't really gotten any sleep because you were awake cooking all night but you weren't going to let your lack of energy stop you. You woke up and placed a present under the tree. "Cassy!" Nate yelled as he called her to the presents. "Good morning beautiful." Nate told you as he placed his hand on your hip pulling you closer and giving you a kiss. "Yeah Dad?" Cassy asked.  "Presents." Nate said. "Actually Dad i want to wait until Aunt Riley and Uncle Sam get here." "If that's okay." She smiled. "S-Sure." You both agreed. Cassy ate Christmas dinner ,still not expecting her presents because Sam wasn't there.. You got a knock on the door and opened it. It was Sam and Riley. "Hey Sam." Nate smiled. "Sam!" Cassy smiled as she hugged him. "I have something for you." She smiled. She handed Sam a gift  with a watch inside. "It's your Grandfather's (Sir Francis Drake) watch." Cassy said. "Thanks Cassy." Sam said as he hugged her. "Where'd you find that at?" Nate asked her. "There's plenty of more of your Grandfather's stuff out there." Sully said. "Sully." Nate smiled. "Merry Christmas." Sully smiled. "Sully!" Cassy smiled. Finally Cassy opened her presents. "Cool!" She smiled as she opened it and noticed it was her Grandfather's compass. "Thank you guys." Cassy smiled.

You were dead asleep and Sam woke you up. "Y/N!" He yelled. "What?!" You asked. "It's Christmas." Sam smiled. "Merry Christmas Handsome." You smiled as you kissed him. You went into the living room and called your son. "Ryland!" You yelled ,he came. "Yeah Mom?" He asked. "Merry Christmas." "Go get your brother and we'll open Christmas presents." You told him. "Okay Mom." He smiled. "Hey Sexy." Sam said as he kissed you. "Merry Christmas." You told him. "Merry Christmas." He replied. So you all ate Christmas dinner and then opened presents. "Cool!" Ryan said as he opened a box to find a remote control helicopter. "Thanks guys!" Ryland said as he opened his box to see PS5.

You woke up on Christmas, and went into the nursery to feed your crying baby. "Shh shh shh." You smiled at her. "Deacon went into the living room and unwrapped a toy for her. She soon stopped crying. "Thank you." You said as you kissed him. "I have someone to show you." Deacon said. He took you outside into the backyard deep into the woods. "Deek what about Charlly?" You asked him. "She'll be fine." He said. He covered your eyes with his hand. "Open." He said. "Deacon it's beautiful." You said as you opened your eyes to see this.

"You got me a husky?" You squealed

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"You got me a husky?" You squealed. "Merry Christmas." He said as he kissed you.

You woke up Christmas morning. "Johnny honey wake up." You smiled.
"What's wrong?" He asked. "Merry Christmas." You smiled.  You went downstairs to give Johnny his Christmas presents. "What is this?" John asked. He opened the box and saw a pregnancy test. "We're having a baby?" John asked. "Yes." You smiled. "I love you." John told you.

It was a Monday morning you woke up and went outside and called Nier to come, you both played in the snow like eight year old. Nier handed you a gift. You opened it and saw a beautiful blue rhinestone necklace. "Thank you." You told him. "Merry Christmas." You added. "Merry Christmas." He smiled as he gave you a kiss.

You woke up ecstatic on Christmas morning. "Leo wake up." You said. "What is it babe?" He asked.  "Here." You said as you handed him a gift. "It's big." He said. He opened it and saw the gift. "Thank you." He said as he hughed you. You bought him a rifle. "Thank you babe." He said as he kissed you. "Here." He said as he gave you his gift. "Let me show you." Leon said. "A motorcycle awe Leon!" You smiled. "Merry Christmas." You said as you gave him a kiss.
You went into the town on Christmas Eve ,you went to tbe library to buy some books. "Y/N how are you?" The librarian asked. "Good how are you?" You asked her. "Hanging in there ,any books to purchase today?" She asked you. "This one." You smiled as you saw a book on soldiers. You went home and saw Geralt. "Hey Geralt." You smiled. "Hey babe." He said. Geralt took you into this Cave where you noticed presents under a tree and a beautiful star. "Merry Christmas." He said as he kissed you. "Geralt it's beautiful." You told him. "Only for you."He smiled.

You woke up on Christmas morning you went downstairs and saw the very large feast that the town had cooked for you since you are the princess. "Hey Cullen."you said as you kissed him "Hello darling." He smiled. He gave you. A box and inside was a stone necklace that looked like a sunset. "Awe Cullen it's beautiful." You said as you gave him a kiss. "You're beautiful." He smiled.

You woke up on Christmas morning ,Peter knew that your allergies where acting up from the real Christmas tree that Peter bought. He gave you christmas dinner in bed. "Here." He said as he handed you a box. You opened it and found two new York Knicks baseball tickets. "Thamk you Peter." You smiled. "We got front row tickets." Peter smiled. Yay!

Merry Christmas y'all!
Jesus loves you!

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