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"Hey." Nate said shyly as he walked you to you. "Oh my God, Nate what happened?!" You asked as you touched his face. "Easy." He groaned. "Who hurt you?" You asked. "Y/N calm down ,I'm okay." He laughed.
"I've gotta get him home." You said looking at Sam. "Nate." Sam said. Nate looked back at him ,Sam just winked. You helped Nate to the jeep. "Y/N ,I have to stay ,I've made it this far i can't leave now there would be no point." Nate said. "But you need to go home." You said. "Y/N!" Nate yelled.
"I am home." Nate said looking into your eyes. You hugged him tightly and began to play with his hair. "I love you." You told Nate as you kissed him.

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