Date(Part 2)

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He took my hand and dragged me in a room inside yacht." Ok here we will have privacy. Dance for me Jin"

He just smirking on his seat while I am fidgeting here. I switched on seductive music.

Deep breathes.

"It's ok if you-".

I straddled him and pulled out one chocolate from my pocket put it in my mouth and let it melt .Then I kissed him deeply mixing chocolate and our saliva. We both were moaning loudly while I am move my hands and hips in rythm with music. I dragged my lips from his face to neck and sucked there.

"This is not dancing Jin. This is seduction"

I tugged his face toward me, "So do you want me to stop?".I pretended to fade up by whole scene and got up.

"What?! Noo-", he pushed me back on his lap and I held back my victory smirk.We forgot all about dancing and just kissed each other like there is no tomorrow.

Alarm ring from his mobile snap him out and he pulled us both on our feets. "Damn Jin you made me forget everything else. Let's go I planned some other stuff too".I can't believe words I am hearing. Did he just said no to make out session? What?

I looped my hands around his neck and whispered near his ears, "Are you sure? "

"Yes".He took my hands off his neck and brought us back on deck.

He looked at his neck that has chocolates spots due to ahm earlier session."It seems like we need to take bath first. Do you know how to swim Jin? "

"Yeah", I replied warily.

"Let's go swimming then", with that he took out his clothes and dived in sea.Damn he is looking so hottttt in just shorts.

He looked up from water, "Come on Jin. Don't be scary cat".

He doesn't know how much I like swimming!

I removed my clothes keeping my shorts intact and dived in water in cool way

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I removed my clothes keeping my shorts intact and dived in water in cool way. He was surprised would be under statement. Lol.

"Ok so it seems like you are good at it"

I swam closer to him, put my legs on either side of his waist and kissed him. After a while we pulled away for air. He rest his forehead on mine and closed his eyes, "You are seriously Aphrodite"

I looked at him with evil grin, "Whoever swam till that point early will be given kiss in front of everyone in school.Let's go"

I pushed him backward with my legs and swam forward in full speed. After a while I looked behind and saw him exactly where I left him. Huh?

"Why are you not swimming? "

"I don't mind kissing you in front of everyone. I don't see point in racing"


I swam back toward him and dunk his head inside water and got back on our yacht as soon as I can.

"This is for making me race all alone"

He laughed whole heartedly as step up on stairs. "You are baby seriously"

"I am not baby!"

"Whatever baby says. Let's change before we catch cold", he went inside to bring towels for us We dried ourself and changed into our earlier clothes.

He brought one tray filled with food and put it on table on yacht. "Tada! My dad did this once for my mom. I always wanted to do same for someone.You know like bringing you on yacht, swimming and then great dinner. So what do you think? ", he asked with excitement.

I brought my hands on his cheeks, " You are most romantic guy I know. I can't thank you enough for this. You put lots of efforts today and went beyond everything to make it memorable for us".

"Ok enough sappy talk. Let's eat".He pulled me toward table and we started eating.

After a while Tae made exaggerated throat clearing sound,"Ahh Jin. What's your thought on going to a college together? We can choose one which have good music program in it.I know it's alot to ask. But I am kinda thinking alot in this direction nowadays. What your opinion? "

"Ahh I never thought about it. But I think it would be great if we can get same college. I am honestly not cut out for long distance relationship. I have my own insecurities. So yeah let's try our best to get in good college together. We can ask Jimin too. You really think about distant future. I am impressed"

He showed me his most satisfied boxy smile.We then ate in silence. Sounds of waves, open sky and this beautiful human making everything perfect.

"I am so full. I ate alot today. Now I am sleepy".I lied down and look at stars.

He joined me and put his head on my shoulder." I wish I could freeze time", he whispered and cuddled close to me.

"Me too".My eye lids felt heavy and I fell asleep. I woke up after awhile and saw Taehyung almost drapped over me in deep sleep.

Oh fuck its so late. I have to go back.

"Tae?? Wake up. It's so late. We both fell asleep. Tae? "

He jolted up in panic and looked around to figure out time. "Fuck let's go. Your brother will kill me"

We drove in car in silence. By God grace traffic was very less so we both arrived at my home around 9.

"Well I had great day. Have good night", he slowly and sweetly kissed me on lips.

"Thanks for best date Tae. I hope you know I like you alot.Like alot".I hugged him tightly as all day emotions finally caught up to me.

I saw hyung peeking from window so I said my goodbye fast before he says anything to Taehyung. "Bye Tae"

I got inside my room ,switch off light and slept on my bed.I don't want hyung to interrogate me.
All day exhaustion made me fell asleep as soon as I laid down on my bed.

Next day morning I saw text in our school group. Everyone is talking about school exams and festival preparation. God we have only 1 week for music festival and 2 weeks after that final exams.

We discussed everything with Jimin. He was ecstatic on prospect of going to college together.If we want to be part of same college then we need good marks in schools.Being part of  music group will boost up our chances of getting good colleges significantly.So we all decided not to meet each other till fest and prepare hard for both fest and exam.

I feel good to finally have goals in my life and have friends to support them.

Now I just can't wait for music festival...

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