Chapter 7: The Unexpected Guest

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You've been locked up in the manor for a few months now, missing the great outdoors and the fresh air. You ether spend your days chained to Ciel or locked up in his bedroom. Your always thinking about your brother and is always wondering what he's doing or how he's doing. You sometimes think that you here his voice from downstairs when your in Ciel's bedroom, hoping that he just walks in the room, saving you from this nightmare.

You were with Ciel in the garden when you hear a familiar voice. "Y/N?! Is that you?!" The voice questions. You and Ciel turn around to see Alois crying. You were shocked and started crying as well. "ALOIS!" You shouted as you ran to give him a hug (you were unchained from Ciel at the time). "Where have you been?! I've been at your manor and I was told that you went missing!" He asked breaking the hug. "Well...uh..." You didn't know what to say. You caught a glance of Ciel quietly mouthing "if you tell him I will kill him with no hesitation" which scared you. "Well?" He asked. "I-I've been doing a mission for the Queen! And Ciel and I have been working together!" You said fake smiling. "Oh, I see... have you seen Elizabeth around? I heard that she went missing around the time you did?" He asked. "Actually, it was the night of the ball...that...Ciel had..." He started to trail of and look at you with a serious face. "Y/n, tell me, what happened that night after me and Claude left?" He asks. You couldn't keep the tears in anymore. You started crying as hard as you could and started to tell the truth. "C-Ciel....he....he....he killed everyone when it hit midnight at the ball and then he says that he was doing it for me because he "loves" me!" You started. "If I tried to escape he would punish me, he would ether hurt me or...or...or..." You couldn't finish the last part. "Tell me" He ordered.

"He would rape me..."

The last part got Alois pissed off, no, PASSED pissed off. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL HIM!" Ciel yelled. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Alois asked in pure fury. "BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" Ciel replied. "IF YOU LOVED ME THEN YOU WOULD HAVE LET ME GO AND DO THINGS THAT I WANTED TO DO, IF YOU LOVED ME YOU WOULDN'T HAVE HURT ME OR RAPID ME!" You stated. "If you had TRULY loved me, then you would've earned my love, BUT YOU FUCKED IT UP! NOT ME!" You said still crying but also mad. "THIS IS ALL "YOUR" FAULT!" You stated pointing at him. They stayed silent, Alois was shocked at you and Ciel was not just hurt, but also felt other emotions... you could say they were good, but also bad ones. But you can bet that most were bad ones. "Come on Y/N" Alois said grabbing your arm. "Oh, your not going anywhere" Ciel said. You both turned to notice Ciel had token off his eye patch and was about to get Sebastian. "CRAP, RUN!" Alois said running with you. "SEBASTIAN, KILL ALOIS AND BRING Y/N TO ME!" Ciel ordered. "Sebastian appeared infront of him. "Yes my Lord" he says quickly running after you both. "CLAUDE!!!" You yelled at the top of your lungs as Sebastian quickly catches up to you and was about to kill Alois. Claude then appears behind you blocking Sebastian off. "Hmph, damn Phantomhive" Claude mumbled pushing Sebastian away. You and Alois we're about to leave until you both realized that the carriage driver was dead. "Let get on a horse!" You suggested. Alois nodded and you both got on the same horse, you in the front and Alois in the back, and started to ride away from the manor. You were riding in peace until you heard a gun go off. Alois turned around to see Sebastian running behind you. "What the hell..." You said. "What can I say, I'm one hell of a Butler" he says catching up. (Favorite Catchphrase ÒwÓ) Claude then appears out of nowhere and tackles Sebastian, catching him off guard. "It's going to take you to do more than that if you actually want to get them" Claude say with his sword at Sebastian's throat. "Hmph" Sebastian replies.

You and Alois manage to get far away from the manor and headed straight for the Queen's palace. "Why are we here?" Alois asked. Well simple," You said. "We're gonna try to get Ciel executed" "I don't think we can do that..." Alois stated. "Why not?" You asked confused. "Well...he IS the Queen's guard dog and the Queen trusts him a LOT. Especially since his father worked for her as well, and played the same role." Alois stated. "Well... that IS true..." You say remembering his parents. "Then what the hell do we do?" You asked.

"I don't know..." Alois replied.

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