Chapter 8 "Caught And Pined Down" Part 1

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You and Alois had found a hiding spot and had been there for a hour or so, trying to come up with a plan. "So, you got anything?" Alois asked. "No, not yet..." You replied. You started to think and came up with a good idea. "I got it!" You exclaimed. "Let's change our look!" "That's not a bad idea, Y/n!" Alois commented. "Thx, I know I'm smart!" You said with a proud look on your face. Alois chuckled. You both went into town and tried to stay well hidden just in case Sebastian or Ciel showed up so y'all hide in the crowd. Y'all had made it to the clothing store and walked in. Alois was first to change his look. He had dyed his hair brown and bought some purple eye contacts. You had dyed your hair to (whatever color you want) and got some (whatever color you want) eye contacts. You then went to the clothing store next door and bought some new clothes to disguise yourselves. "I think we look nice" You said. Alois just sighed, missing his beautiful blonde locks. "Sure, whatever" you chuckled and y'all went to go to the bakery.

As y'all walked into the bakery, the first person you noticed was, you guessed it, Ciel Phantomhive. He was asking people If they had seen you since you had been missing. "Shit..." You said under your breath. "Come, over here." Alois drags you to a open booth. You both kept a close eye on him as he was walking around thinking-

And he looked pissed too

He noticed the both of you and started to walk over. "Shit he's coming this way, be quiet I got this!" You whispered to Alois. You had a talent for changing your voice.
"Um, excuse me?" He said. "Yes? May we help you?" You asked, lowering your voice. "Have you seen this person?" Ciel asks showing a "Missing" picture of you. The picture was from a month ago when you and Ciel had found a sick dog. You gave him some of your bread and some water and it started to like you. You were hold the dog in your arms laughing as it was licking your face.


"Awww, your so adorable!!!" You said petting the little puppy. The puppy then pounced on you and started to like your face. You were laughing from the ticklish licks. "Hehe, stop it, hehehe" Ciel just smiled at your cuteness, and maybe the dogs as well. The dogs gets off you and then pounces on Ciel, knocking him over. You laughed. "H-Hey, get off my, you mangy mut!" He said starting to chuckle a little. You were just watching, dieing of laughter. "Are you just going to sit there laughing or help me?!" He questions. You manage to catch your breath and grab the tiny little brown coffee colored dog. The dog barked. Ciel got up to his feat and looks at the smearking h/c boy. "What?" He questions. "You must've smelled good for the dog to just jump on you like that, and taste good too~" You said in a flirty voice. Ciel's face turned red. "S-Shut up!!!" He barked, turning his head away. You chuckled. "Now I'm curious to see what you taste like~" You said licking your lips. Ciel even got more flustered. "D-Damn your so siductive..." He says, face completely red. You chuckled even more at his cute experience. "Why thank you, darling!" You winked. Ciel was even darker than a tomato. (Fyi if you're wondering where Sebby is, he's at the mansion) you walked up to Ciel and gave him a look, he couldn't tell if it was a siductive look or a pleading look. "You want the dog...don't you...?" He questions. You nod. "Fine, I'll keep it with me, but that doesn't mean come over every day, okay?" "Yay, ok, it's a deal!" You said, giving him a smile.

~Flashback Ended~

"I wonder how Coffee Bean is doing..." You thought. You decided to call him 'Coffee Bean' because he looks like a coffee dogo. "No, we haven't, sorry..." You say with a apologetic smile. "But we hope you find them!" You said. Of course, we all know that you were lying, you didn't want to be found and everyone knew that...well, not EVERYONE, but y'all know what I mean. Ciel let's out a frustrating sigh. "Ok, thank you, and sorry for bothering you."

He walks off

As soon as he went out the door and it had shut, you both let a 'relief' sigh and put your heads on the table. "Man I fucking hate my life" You said chuckling. Alois chuckled as well saying "I know how that feels..."


Hello readers, srry it took me like, 200 years to make another chapter, I've been SUPER busy! Also srry for the late night post. I've been thinking after I make part 2, I'm just going to end it there and work on my other projects, "Come Play With Me" and 2 more projects I have started. I'll go ahead and say this, there both YU-GI-OH books. One's a DM book with a ship that I feel like only a few people like and a ship that I will probably get hated for but WHO GIVES A FUCK!

The other is a Hackershiping book! (Yusei Fudo x Yusaku Fujiki for those who don't know what Hackershiping is) and I'll probably get hated for that too...but anyhow, I'm going to start part 2 now, bye!!!

948 Words and-

~•π×¢°~•π×(Yay, I'm not dead :>)¢°~•π×¢°~•π

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