herb 🌿

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Hurbs pov:
I was just leaving my old Town, I really wasn't sure what it was Called, but I've lived There my whole life until now. I am moving moving a kingdom called [insert kingdom name here].

I packed all my things, hugged my mother, and headed out the door. I got my tickets and got onto the plane. I'm not sure if they still would let plants on the plane but I still got in with my plant.

In five minutes the plane was going to leave, and god damn, this plane was quiet, non of these cookie were going to the name kingdom as me. This town I'm going to is full of kingdoms, I went to the least weirdest one out of all. I really hope non of all these cookies won't go there. Their fucking weird.

I heard they had tons of plants there, I love flowers and plants. If you don't know. "Hey hurb, psst" someone whispered to me. I turned to beside me, rasberry cookie?! "Raspberry? What are you doing on the plane?" I asked surprised. I kinda felt embarrassed of not noticing her. "I'm going to an awesome kingdom! I'm pretty sure it's the same kingdom your going to!" She replied happfully.

Before I could respond I felt the plane lifting off. "Please put on your seat belts" said the lady. "Oh.. Uh... Do you know cookies there?" I asked, turning to rasberry. "No, I only one hollyberry and pure vanilla." She replied, scanning my plant. "Who's hollyberry and pure vanilla?!" I asked ackwardly. "What?!" She shouted, obviously confused.

"You.dont know who they are?! Youll see when you get there then?!" She said annoyed. The flight attendant came up to us. "Please do not yell and kr scream on the plane please" he said calmly. "Alright, sorry, mr.....lukes cookie?" She apologized, confused. "Yep." He calmly replied.

-time skip, they get there-

Everybody hopped off the Plane and headed to their kingdoms. Me and rasberry were the last ones off. Or should I say, dropped off.. We arrived and I saw hollyberry, I think.. "Hello there, rasberry! Hello there Mr. Hurb!" She calmly greeted us. "Hey.. Holly-" I cut off "just call me holly, hurb!" She said nicely. "Oh, okay, hi mrs. Holly. " I greeted back. Rasberry Already hopped off to her appartment. "Let's see here.." Holly said, putting a finger on her chin. "Oh! You don't have an apartment, sir! So you will be sharing an appartment with.. Uhm... A trustworthy friend of mine, his names sparkling! " she said happfully

Fuck! I'm sharing a room with someone! I wanted peace. But she did say he was trustworthy. Hollyberry showed me around a bit and showed me his 'house'. "He isn't home right this second though, but make yourself at home... Oh! And here, have a berry phone!" She said, giving me a so called. Berry phone.

"Uhm..thanks.. I guess" I thanked hollyberry. "Well, make yourself at home, herb!" She said, leaving to go to her kingdom. "Oh, bye" I waved. I sighed and walked around a bit. There was a place, she called it a bar, no duh, dip shit. I know what a bar is, I don't drink much though. Well, it's been a year since the last time I've drank, I guess I'll try it. (Again). I walk in, a bunch of buff cookies were on one side, and the UwU cookies were on the other. Half of the buff cookies were alphas, (don't ask how I know that).

3rd persons pov:
Hurb walked up to the counter and sat down on a seat. "What can I get for you, sir....?" The guy asked. "H-herb.. My name is herb" herb replied. "Oh that's nice, what would you like to drink, herb?" The kind man asked. "Oh, uh.. May you give me the best one you've got?" Herb asked politely. "Yes I may." He picked up a some kinda bottle of.. Wine? Idk. Really. Herb scanned how he shook the drink and adding materials to it. "For you, herb!" He gave herb a wine glass full of some shit. Herb picked up the glass and drank a sip.

Herbs pov:
I tasted vodka, weird taste but is enough to knock me out. "W-whats in this?.." I ask. "Vodka." He said, cleaning a glass. "Wassup, s!" Someone said sitting down. He had blood shot red hair and had a cape of some sort? Idk. "Oh hey vampire!" He said, in his German accent. Vampire? No! No! The blonde turned to me. "You ready to pay?" He asked, reaching his hand for money. "H-how much?" I asked, embarrassed. "29.99" he replied. "Uh, ok here" I said, giving him a 20 dollar and a 10.

I walk out and head to sparklings house. I opened the door and WOW, it was neat as hell. I slam the door shut. It was 12. I run threw the house and tried looking for a spare room, couldn't find one Though. There were only one bedroom, I layed down on it and watched the TV. I heard the door open and panicked a bit. But stayed still.

The door opened and, wait.. THE DUDE?! *gasp* I got embarrassed and his my face in the pillow. "Hurb?" He asked. "What are you doing here? " he asked. "Uhh, I'm staying here." I replied "sparkling?I thought sparkling was someone differ from you-" I continued. He just sighed and layed down beside me. "What are you watching anyway?" He asked. "Uh.. Hentai haven" I replied. "Really?!" He laughed. I laughed with him.

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