3/4 heh added a part, sorry😩😜

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Herbs pov:

I woke up and felt the urge to die. I got a body pillow of herb and buried my face into his crotch area. I yawn and get up, realising hickies and bruises all over my body, with no shirt on. I get a 'sex is life' shirt on and went out my door.

I grunted and limped throughout walking though the hall, I stop and panted. I moaned quietly and tried to stand up normal and originally failed. I got to the couch and flopped down onto a cooshion

I moaned softly and sat up. I groan as I tried to get up. Again, I failed. I walk into the kitchen and got some cum- I mean milk and some cereal, and poured some cum- I mean milk into the bowl. I chugged some of the cum- I mean milk and put it back in the fridge.

I sat back down onto the couch and got out my phone,

~on messanger~

Welcome to reality and you probably just now realised that I'm doing the rest in the last last part bc I'm lazy 😩

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