cake ; kjs

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'I'm going to make a cake!' was your bright idea when you woke up that afternoon, your legs entangled in the sheets of the bed you shared with Jisoo, in your shared New York apartment, while your lived your shared life with the brunette.

Except, Jisoo wasn't home, and that was why you thought it to be the perfect time for you to make a mess of flour and sugar in the kitchen, bake a perfect cake, and clean the kitchen until it was pristine, all in time before Jisoo came home from work. With this thought, and the excitement in your belly, you sprang out of bed and dressed yourself in shorts and an old gym shirt that probably belonged to Jisoo.

You tied your hair in loose bun, and slinked into the kitchen to start baking. But not before your coffee.

While the coffee brewed, you perused the internet for easy cake recipes. Ones that do not have too much eggs, or sugar, or milk. Thanks to your perseverance, you found a simple recipe for a chocolate cake, with a light cream cheese frosting.

You stirred and baked, your efforts forming a layer of granulated sugar to coat the surface of the wooden countertop. Cake flour streaked your cheek, and your hair was now in a messy state as you wrestled with the hand mixer. Eventually, the batter was finished. You poured the mixture into a springform cake pan and slid it into the oven.

Feeling proud of yourself, you began to sing a song about sugar and frosting while you worked on incorporating the cream cheese and the icing sugar together. You was so lost in your song and hip-swaying and the whirr of the mixer that you did not hear the click of the door as it opened.

"I'm home" Kim Jisoo stood in your tiny foyer in perfect view of you singing into a spatula. You both stood, frozen for a few moments before your face broke off into a smile and approached the love of your life. In her hands was a simple white box which she parked on the kitchen counter, the part that was not covered in dustings of flour and sugar.

"Jisoo!" You shrieked, your arms stilling on the frosting. "My lovely, lovely wife! You're home early! Too early! What happened?!"

"Hello to you too, Y/n. My gorgeous, and sexy wife. It's already five o'clock. Work ended at four. If anything, I'm late in coming home." Jisoo sat up on a breakfast stool. "But please, pretend I'm still stuck in my office and continue what you're doing." She smiled and in that dainty, Jisoo manner, Jisoo rested her elbow on top of the counter, and her chin on her hand.

You was about to say something when the timer from your phone as well as from the hotbox, announcing that your cake was done. Jisoo raised her brow while you donned on your gloves and removed the pan from the oven. "I made you something." You said by way of explanation.

"How sweet." Jisoo cooed and waited until you placed the steaming pan on top of the cooling rack before taking you by your mitten covered hands and lifting you up on the clean kitchen countertop. She slid in between your legs and traced your plump lips with her mouth. Jisoo tasted the faint flavour of the chocolate batter in your tongue, which she sucked out of her with a hum. "Mmm, I do love chocolate..."

Your arms curled and wrapped around Jisoo's slender neck. "I know you do. It's why I made you a cake."

"Well, I bought you cupcakes." Jisoo murmured, her lips never leaving your sticky mouth. Her hands, warm and moist, slid up her shirt that you wore. "We could have a cake with a cupcake on top, and then we could light candles and sing." A nip to your pulse point. "What do you say?"

Yet, Jisoo's hands continued to grope every curve of your body. She dragged her fingers down to your thighs and slipped them up the legs of your shorts, where she ran the pads of her digits against your inner thighs.

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