Chapter 8: Believe!

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Apologies everyone for the wait! Seeming as this story is actually really popular, I shall look to update it more often!

But again, thank all for being so patient! You're the best!



After days of training and preparing ourselves, the race was finally upon us! We had nailed our technique pretty quickly but it took a bit longer to gee my team up and get them believing!

Daisy: Y/N's right Rosie! We have to believe that we can win! Otherwise, we won't do well!

Rosie: But everyone knows Diana is going to win! What's the point in getting hopeful when we might not have a chance anyway!

Y/N: Do you want me to tell you why?

The girls looked at me as I jumped down from the box I was sat on.

Y/N: People may think that Diana is going to win, but it all depends on the performance in the actual race! You can predict a result, but you can't predict how someone is going to perform! You never know, she might not do very well!

Rosie: B-But this is Diana we're talking about! She hardly ever puts a foot wrong!

Y/N: Well this time she might! Just focus on us Rosie! Not Diana! Just us! Me, you and Daisy! Oh, and Heather! Our cheerleader!

Heather cheered and went up to her friend and hugged her tightly.

Heather: Yeah come in Rosie! I believe in you guys! You can win this race!

A smile forms on my face.

Y/N: See Rosie? All we need to do, is be the best we know we can!

Eventually she begins to smile as well and nods her head.

Rosie: Y-yeah! You're all right!

Heather: There we are!

Heather let go of Rosie who then shuffled over to me and smiled awkwardly.

Rosie: S-sorry about being so negative. I-I just look at Diana and think, 'I will never be able to get to her level'!

Y/N: You're alright Rosie! I understand how you just feel! Diana is an extremely talented individual, but she is human like the rest of us! She has limits, and maybe we can push her to those limits!

Rosie: Sure! I'll go out there and do my best! Forget about Diana!

Y/N: That's more like it! Come on then team! Let's go and prove to everyone that all you need is a bit of belief in yourself!

I was brimming with confidence. Not in my own ability personally, but the ability of my team as a whole.

If we didn't win then it would not matter. I know from the short period of time I've been with them, these three are fantastic at driving each other!

Some maybe more than others, but Rosie just needed a slight push to click into gear.

Daisy: Thanks for helping motivating Rosie back there Y/N!

I look to my side, and Daisy was there smiling away like she always did.

Y/N: It is no problem! We are all friends! And we all need to be there for each other! Especially if one of us is feeling down about themselves!

Daisy: Quite right! How I wish you were on my team all the time!

Y/N: Don't be afraid to ever come and talk to me! Personally, I've loved the time I've spent with you three! I don't exactly want it to end just because we aren't working together!

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