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"Scott! Is this really necessary?!" Liam yelled at the two boys who were standing by Stiles' jeep.

"Yes! We've already gone over this!" Stiles yells back clearly annoyed at him.

Liam hadn't had the best full moon last time and so there were consequences. The consequence was being tied to a tree, fighting the full moon.

"What are you guys even talking about" Liam sighs frustrated at the fact that he can't get free.

"Adult stuff" Stiles shouts before turning back to Scott "so how do I get him to tell me who his mate is"

"He won't tell you, you'll have to figure it out on you're own" The Alpha says

"And how do you suggest I do that" the other boy says making a lot of hand gestures

"I DONT KNOW!" Scott growls at him making the fragile human jump back "sorry" he mumbles clearly annoyed at himself for letting the moon get to him.

"Hey guys I'm.... Here" Isaac stares at Liam, his chemosignals wreaking of confusion "Why is he chained to a tree?"

"Better question is why is he here?" The immobilised boy growls. Everyone turns to face the boy Liam was talking about.

"I brought him because everyone needs an anchor and Derek told me the easiest option is your mate" Isaac defends

"Yeah well I don't want him here" the boy growls at his mate

"Even if he didn't bring me I would still find my way here. It's part of being mates it's instinct to check up on you on a full moon" Brett explains stepping closer to Liam

"So what, did you check up on me even before I was a wolf? Why does it matter when I'm human on a full moon it doesn't effect humans?" Liam questions his mate genuinely confused

"No it may not effect humans but you could still get hurt by a wolf" Brett replies obviously getting annoyed

"That doesn't answer his first question, did you check up on him when he was human?" Stiles chirps in

"Shut up Stiles. It would be normal if he did, I make sure my mates ok on the full moon" Derek says as he emerges from the darkness of the forest

"Oooo so is sour wolf gonna tells us who his mate is?" Stiles jokes

"No way! Now shut up!" The older man growls

"Wait so how come some wolves don't know their mates if they check up on them?" Malia asks

"Well it becomes instinct once you've met them, if you've never met them then you don't know them but as soon as you see your mate you wolf Instincts kick in." Brett explains as Malia just nods showing she understands

While the pack stand around talking Liam wriggles about in his chains trying to break free. Nobody's paying attention to him so they don't try to calm him but soon enough he grabs their attention when he lets out a loud growl and snaps the chains. He turns to run deeper in the woods and sprints off as fast as he can. In no time he is out of sight from the others, he can feel the moons effect he can feel his wolf taking over. A hand grips onto Liams upper arm stopping him in his tracks, the boy snaps his head around growling and clawing at whoever stopped him.

"Liam, LIAM. Calm down!" Slowly Liam recollects himself looking at the floor he takes a few breaths before looking up to see who he was going to have to thank, it was probably Scott.

When he looked up he wasn't even surprised to see a concerned look on Bretts face "I guess I should thank you. So thanks I guess" Liam mumbles as he looks away. Of course it had to be Brett! Why couldn't it be Scott or Derek or even Malia, WHY BRETT! Liam thinks to himself angrily

"Liam? Can I ask you something?" The taller boy asks, Liam nods not really wanting to talk to him. "Why do you hate me so much? What did I do?" He asks looking curious

The shorter boy sighs "I don't hate you. I'm just annoyed that you didn't tell me that we were mates and you marked me without asking"

"You wouldn't have believed me if I told you and I'm sorry I didn't ask you first, usually you don't ask you just do it" Brett tells him. Once again Liam just nods as he processes the information not quite sure how to respond

"I guess I can accept the fact that we're mates. I do always feel the need to make sure your okay" Liam sighs again.

"So, how do you feel?" Brett asks

"Less like I'm gonna turn. I think im getting some control over it" Liam smiles like a child would do after being complimented on good work. Brett just smiles back letting his mate have this moment.

Without thinking the younger boy grabs the other by the collar and pulls him down kissing him. Without hesitation the older boy kisses back passionately. The kiss was cut short when Liam realised what he was doing and pushed the other boy away.

"S-sorry I just got really happy and then all of a sudden..." he apologises to the older one

"It's fine" Brett interrupts " I liked it"

"Yeah so did I" Liam responds, a small blush creeping onto his face

"Well if you two love birds are done and Liam is on control can we please go get food" Isaac pleads

"Yeah yeah I'm in control, and we are definitely done here" Liam says with a hint of annoyance in his voice which makes Brett laugh a bit.

"What should we get?" Lydia asks as they walk back through the forest to the nearby car park since while everyone looked for Liam Stiles moved his car.

"Mexican" Isaac and Scott say in unison both laughing a bit.

All of them stand in the car park deciding on what to get and who's gonna go in which car when Stiles nudges Derek and whispers "so whose your mate"


A/N wow another long one! I hope you enjoyed! Also if you have any requests on which ship you would like to see a bit more of then please comment and I will try to incorporate it into the story, but make sure to check the description for which ships there are if it's not in the description it's unlikely I will add it!

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