The blue moon (part 4)

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Jackson woke up earlier than usual and was now lying in bed looking at his phone scrolling mindlessly. Unlike the others he didn't care about the blue moon they had all made such a big deal but to Jackson it was just another normal day.

He rolled over looking at his alarm clock, it was now 6am, 5 hours later than when he woke up. He groaned as he dragged himself out of bed an over to his bathroom. He showered quickly not caring on his looks too much today, after that he got dressed into some casual yet fancy clothes (A/N I got no idea what kinda things he wears)

He wandered downstairs, feeling a little more awake now, when he got to the bottom of the stairs he was greeted by Danny who was stood in the kitchen "Hey"

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jackson asked sitting down on one of the stools next to the island

"Well the others were saying that the blue moon was going to be difficult so I came to see if you were ok" Danny said placing a plate of waffles in front of Jackson and sitting in a stool next to him

Jackson was about to reply but his stomach twisted with a warm feeling, he stopped and tried to make it go away but it didn't seem to work

"You ok Jackson?" Danny asked concerned

Jackson shook it off and tried to ignore it for now "yeah I'm fine, just tired" he reassured his friend. Danny smiled at him and they both tucked into their breakfasts.

Once they had eaten they put their plates in the sink and got ready to go to school. The drive was mostly silent with the occasional comment on the upcoming lacrosse game.

"Hey Danny" Jackson said

"Hm" Danny replied

"I think I'm going to skip practice tonight, I'm not feeling it today." He told him

"Do you want me to skip it to so we can hang out?" Danny offered

Jackson thought over this for a second, he was about to say no and that he didn't want to ruin it for him but instead he said "Yeah we'll hang out tonight". He thought it was strange but soon realised why he had said it, he had been thinking about it for a while and this just confirmed it, Danny was his mate.

They arrived at school and spotted Scott, Isaac, Stiles, Lydia and Allison. Danny greeted them each with a smile whereas Jackson just scowled, this earned him an elbow in the ribs from Danny.

Not long after came a very unhappy looking Malia, Jackson sort of got along with her since they were both consistently angry at the world.

Finally just before the first bell Liam arrived looking rather unhappy as well.

"I hate all of you" he said walking straight past them and into school

"Well he seems like he's in a good mood" Malia comments sarcastically

"Shut up, it's the moon, it's making him more annoyed than usual" Lydia defends

"Both of you cut it out, let him be, it's our first blue moon too you know" Scott says

"Yeah why are we making it out like Liams delicate and this is only his first blue moon" Jackson asks

"Because it's so close to when he got turned, we have all been wolves for a few months almost a year but he was only turned a month or two ago" Scott tells them. They all nod and head their separate ways for classes.

The day seemed like it was going in slow motion for Jackson, every class seemed to last for what felt like hours. The only time he didn't feel like that was at lunch and in Science (A/N like i said the only class I know) the only difference was that when he was with Danny everything was warm and fuzzy, he hated it, it was like a cheesy romance movie.

(And now to the good stuff cus I'm bored of writing this boring stuff)

The final bell rang signalling the end of the day and Jackson sped off down the halls, he hadn't meant to go so fast but his wolf seemed to be in a rush. He got to his car and stopped, waiting impatiently for Danny. It was about five minutes before Jackson could see him heading this was. But as soon as Jackson saw him he wanted to rip someone's throat out, or to be more specific he wanted to rip the throat out of the guy who was flirting with Danny. He immediately stormed over to them grabbing Danny's wrist.

"Excuse you" the guy said trying to make Jackson let go of Danny

"No excuse you!" Jackson yelled

"Jackson calm down! Look sorry Ethan this is my friend Jackson and he's a little protective" Danny explained "Sorry we gotta go, see you tomorrow!" Danny yelled behind him as Jackson dragged him over to the car.

They sat down and Jackson sped of down the road angrily.

"Jackson calm down we're just friends!" Danny panics (Talking bout Ethan) "where are we going?"

"My parents are home so we can't go there" Jackson says through his teeth

"Why not.... Oh ..... OH JACKSON NO" Danny panics again "not in your car"

"I don't care about my car" Jackson says a bit more calm now

"Jackson no we can't, I don't want to ruin your car, plus it's too small" Danny says

"We'll make do" Jackson shrugs completely calm now. Danny sighs in defeat as they pull up into a concealed area of the forest

(It's bout a get Spicy)

Jackson reaches over grabbing Danny by the collar and kissing him roughly. He begins uh buttoning Danny's shirt and pulling it off.

"~Mm~ Backseat" Danny mumbles in between kisses, it was so quiet that if Jackson was human he wouldn't have heard. They clumsily climb into the backseats, Jackson on top of Danny. They quickly slip out of their clothes not nothing to go slow since they've done this before, we'll in bed not in the backseat of a very tiny car.

Jackson kisses down Danny's chest until he reached his member. He Took it in one hand and slid his other up Danny's chest. He put the tip in his mouth slowly swirling his tongue, he took more of him in slightly bitting down and grazing his sharp teeth against the soft skin making Danny moan. Jackson took him in completely and began to Bob his head. Danny wasn't super human like Jackson so he felt more pleasure quicker, it wasn't long before he came in Jackson's mouth.

A/N since these two are only side characters they don't get as much description or much happening at all. I won't do a chapter on Allison X Lydia because we'll I have my reasons. Anyway I'll try post tomorrow if not next weekend

Also would you guys want some Fluff for the three more main ships?

Hope you enjoyed love y'all

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