The blue moon (part 3)

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Scoot rolled around on his bed restlessly. It was only five and school started at nine so it was way too early to go.

"Hey you alright Scott?" Isaac who slept on the sofa in Scott's room asked

"Yeah just can't get comfortable" Scott said. He removed the covers and immediately regretted it, the cold air hit his body making him shiver. He got up grabbing a shirt and a jacket, also changing his trousers throwing the dirty ones in the wash basket. "Hey Isaac are you getting up at any point today?" Scott asks

"No, I don't feel like it" Isaac mumbles into his pillow

"Oh come on. Please" Scott whined

"Fine. But only because u want me to" Isaac replied "but not until seven" Scott laughed at him but let him be

Scott decided he would message Liam since he hadn't been looking forward to this at all, he had even threatened to bury himself in a hole and asked if Scott could dig him up after.

Scott - Hey just saying if you want to skip school I don't blame you.

He didn't expect Liam to reply for a hour or two so he closed his phone shoving it in his pocket and headed to the bathroom.

Not gonna go into detail bout that but he took a shower

Scott laid on his bed scrolling through his phone until about half six then got bored so he woke Isaac up again.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat" Isaac grumbled rubbing his eyes

"Do you want breakfast?" Scott asked

Isaac rolled over to face him giving him a glare "Yes I fucking want breakfast" he grumbled.

Scott nodded then began to make his way downstairs only stopping by his door to tell Isaac to hurry up and get dressed. He made bacon and eggs for the three of them talking to his mum while cooking.As he was setting down the plates on the table Isaac came down the stairs dressed in a button up shirt, jeans and a scarf tied around his neck.

"Mm smells great" He complimented still half asleep. They all ate up quickly wanting to get out the house by quarter past seven. Melissa was done first, since she was used to rushing, she put her plate in the sink to be washed later then headed out of the house saying her goodbyes to the boys. The two boys didn't take much longer, they both put their plates in the sink and headed to the door to put their shoes on. Just before heading out of the house Scott's phone vibrated signalling he had a message, he pulled it out and looked at it.

Liam - I'm not skipping, I'm trying to not let it get the best of me

Scott chuckled knowing that Stiles would make sure Liam went anyways, he shoved his phone back in his pocket and left the house locking the door behind him.

The two of them walked to school chatting about anything that came to mind such as the blue moon, both of them were already feeling the effects. It didn't take them long to arrive at school since Scott didn't live too far away. The two of them waited  outside for the others, mainly Liam to check he's alright. After about ten minutes Lydia arrived, which wasn't a surprise since she is the most organised of them all, she greeted them both and stood beside Scott. Next came Stiles being his usual happy self he greeted them all and began talking about how Derek had been moody when he went to visit, Scott, Isaac and Lydia exchanged confused glances obviously all questioning why Stiles was at Dereks but none of them bothered to ask since Allison was approaching. She stood next to Lydia and the two of them immediately fell into a conversation about girl stuff. Shortly after Jackson and Danny appeared, Danny greeted them all with a smile whereas Jackson scowled at them but still stood with them. Next came a very unhappy looking Malia, she didn't say much just stood quietly with an annoyed look on her face. Finally just before the first bell Liam arrived looking rather unhappy as well.

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