Heart break

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A/N Ik it's been longer than expected but I've been very tired and unmotivated. Ik where the stories going but I'm not sure how to write it, I'm still trying to get better at writing so sorry if things are inconsistent or don't make sense. So I actually wrote that first part Like two weeks ago but I still lack motivation but im back!

Liam woke up, He was still laying on Brett who was asleep. He smiled at his boyfriend but it didn't last long, he remembered what he had to do today and he really didn't want to.

Brett woke up rubbing his eyes "morning" he said in a husky morning voice, Liam found this very sexy.

"Morning" he smiled and sat up about to get off the bed

"What no morning kisses?" Brett pouted.

Liam sighed and lent back down for a kiss, it was only quick. "Better?" He asked

"Much" Brett smiled

This time Liam actually got up and walked over to his draws picking out something to wear. Simple T-shirt and joggers will do. He changes quickly, too quickly in Brett's opinion, and collects his school stuff.

For the first two periods Liam couldn't sit still, he kept fighting and shuffling in his seat. He couldn't decide whether to do what he planned to do at break so it was over and done with or lunch in the dining room where everyone would see or at the end of the day in the car park so he had more time to prepare. By the end of second period Liam had decided on doing it at lunch because it would have the biggest crowd, he planned on leaving straight after so he didn't have to do the last two periods

The bell went signalling that it was now break and Mason came jogging up to Liam

"Hey man what's up? You've been restless all day" Mason says in a worried tone

"Sorry I've just been..... thinking" Liam apologises

"Woah don't hurt yourself!" Mason says with fake worry

"Ha ha very funny" Liam replies sarcastically.

The two joked all break and Liam relaxed a bit, he wanted to tell Mason of his plan but he couldn't risk anyone hearing so he kept his mouth shut.

Third period went by all too quickly and now it was lunch. Liam made his way over to their usual table where everyone was already seated.

"Hey Brett, can I talk to you?" Liam asks

"Sure" Brett smiles and the two of them walk away to somewhere less crowded but still in the cafeteria.

Liam took a deep breath "I don't think this is going to work out" He states

"What?" Brett replies in utter shock

"I can't do this anymore" Liam continues, this time Brett doesn't say anything just stares dumbfounded " you understand right?"

"No, no I don't! Where has this all come from!" Brett raises his voice and people turn to watch, including the pack

"What do you mean where has this come from!" Liam shouts back "I'm just not happy ok"

"What's this all about?" Brett says a bit softer and quieter

"I'm breaking up with you!" Liam shouts off the top of his lungs. He walks out immediately he can't bare seeing Brett upset but he knows this is for the best.

He heads home walking at his unusually fast pace. Once he's home he flops down onto his bed and breaks down. After a few hours Liam calms down and decides to watch some tv but just as he gets up for the remote he hears a knock on the window. He opens it and the dark hair girl climbs in.

A/N I almost cried writing this 😭 it's so sad but I promise it can only get better from here. Hope u enjoyed!

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