Difficult Decisions

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"Hey Liam" Hayden says happily as she sits down next to him at lunch

"Piss off" Malia growls "no one here likes you. Don't you have your own friends?"

"Of course I do!" Hayden flushes "I just wanted to come and check on my dear Liam" she giggles leaning closer to him

"Well I'm all good, you can go now" Liam laughs nervously just hoping she'll take a hint and get off of him

Of course she stayed.

"Mind if I eat with you guys?" She asks already getting her lunch from her bag

"Yes we mind very much" Jackson grumbles, he didn't like eating with them in the first place but it was better than girls always coming over to him and flirting.

"Well are you a negative bunch" she mumbles thinking no one would hear her.

"Anyway what were we talking about?" Scott asks trying to relieve the tension

"We we're talking about how Brett and Liam had a spectacular date yesterday" Stiles replies. This didn't please Hayden too much, in fact she was so pissed off by the fact Liam had gone on a date with Brett that she didn't notice her fists clenching and her nails stabbing her palms drawing a small amount of blood.

"You're gonna hurt yourself" Liam says noticing her fists. Hayden blinks a few times coming back to reality and unclenches her fists. Liam looks down at her hands, he inhales sharply, he was correct there were cuts on her palms but in seconds they had healed.

It's silent for a while, nobody knowing what to say, until the bell goes to signal the end of lunch. Liam dashes out the cafeteria with a million thoughts running around in his head, the most prominent one being what is she.

For the rest of the day Liam couldn't sit still in class, he was constantly fidgeting. The bell that signals the end of the day finally rang and Liam quickly made his way over to Alison's car

"Hey" he greets

"Hey" she smiles back

"I was wondering if I could borrow the bestiary" Liam asks rocking on his heels

"Sure...... what do you need it for?" She asks

"Oh you know..... I wanna start memorising some them" he lies

"Oh .... Ok sure" she says handing it to him

"Great thanks! Bye" he shouts as he dashes across the car park towards Mason

Once at home he opens up his computer and inserts the flash drive. It took a few seconds to load but finally the pages showed up. He scrolled through them all looking for possibilities. He came a cross a few but none matched perfectly, they either had extra body parts of were incapable of taking a human form. He scrolled for hours still unable to find anything, he was about to give up when he came across something. Vampires

"Bingo" he muttered

"What're you doing?" Liam jumped at the sound quickly slamming his computer shut and turning around

"Jesus you scared me" Liam breathed heavily hand clenching his heart

"I thought you would have heard or smelt me" Brett says "why didn't you?"

"I wasn't really paying attention" Liam replied cockily

Brett crossed the room towards Liam and pulled him up so he was standing "got a lot on your mind?"

"You have no idea" Liam rubbed a hand over his face and sighed.

Brett pulled him into a tight embrace "it's alright, let's just.... Relax"

"Mmm that sounds nice" Liam mumbled sleepily.

Brett walked over to the bed dragging Liam along with him, he laid down with Liams head on his chest. Within no time Liam was asleep and Brett was stroking his hair staring down at him.

A/N it's been a hot minute hasn't it. I'm trying to get back into routine but that has proven to be quite difficult. Well I'm expecting this book to be done by the end of February at most, I don't expect it to take many more chapters. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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