𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍.

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The kiss is sweet but also filled with anxiety, as if it's something they've wanted to do for years

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The kiss is sweet but also filled with anxiety, as if it's something they've wanted to do for years.

"You were right", he whispers when they pull apart.

They don't quite separate, Nick's hands rest on Ziggy's cheeks, while hers rest on his chest.

"About what?" Ziggy asks, her voice cracking.

He smiles.

"I do like the weird girl".

Ziggy raises her gaze and she meets his.

His gaze made her nervous.

"I knew it", she replies trying to hide her smile, but fails.

Nick's heart almost melts.

She looks fucking cute.

With his hand he caresses her face and nose, then deposits a kiss on her nose, she grimaces and gently pushes him away.

"You're too cheesy, you give me diabetes", she blurts out turning around to go look at the snake again.

The truth was Ziggy had never been through anything like that before and didn't know how to react.

Had she had had her first kiss before him? Yes, but it was nothing, it didn't mean anything, instead with Nick...

Ziggy feels arms around her waist and the boy's breath in her ear.

Her heart beats faster.

"Says the one who asked me for a kiss", he whispers and then pulls away from her.

Ziggy raises an eyebrow, that Nick was interesting.

She has to lick her lips so she can turn around to look at him.

Nick smiles at her, amused.

"I don't remember that", she replies.

The denial strategy, genius.

"Oh no?" Nick asks, moving closer to her again, Ziggy doesn't move but the assurance she felt earlier fades a little.

"No", she replies, having a hard time sounding confident, but somehow she manages to do it.

"That's easily solved", he replies moving closer to her.

Ziggy can feel his breathing.

"Oh yeah?" she asks, playing dumb.

"Yeah", he says before grabbing her waist and pulling her to him and then kissing her.

This time it's not sweet and Ziggy has a little trouble keeping up with him.

Nick definitely knew how to kiss a girl.

The kiss becomes more passionate and when their tongues meet, Ziggy lets out a moan that makes him smile, but he pulls away after a few seconds.

If he kept kissing her like that he wasn't going to be able to control himself.

They hear footsteps and pull further apart, heading to different parts as their breathing starts to calm down.

The door opens and reveals Gary, who frowns.

"I need help overseeing the Color War", he tells Nick and he nods.

Ziggy just walks past him, ignoring him and exits the cabin, it's not until the air hits her face that she realizes how cold the weather is.

How had she not noticed before?

"Wait!", Nick's voice brings her back to reality.

She stops her steps and looks up at him.

He moves closer to her ear, so no one (Gary) hears.

"See you tomorrow".

Ziggy feels her heart stop for a moment, as he breaks away from her she sees him wink at her.

She bites her lip and Nick's eyes immediately go to them.

"Come on, Nick", Gary's voice makes them startle.

Nick rolls his eyes and she laughs in amusement.

"Hey, you know that's a camper, right?"

Ziggy smiles at Gary's attempted whisper and then walks off to her cabin, feeling stupid for not being able to stop smiling.

Ziggy smiles at Gary's attempted whisper and then walks off to her cabin, feeling stupid for not being able to stop smiling

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This One Shot was requested in Spanish version by

"Could you do one like what would have happened if Nick and Ziggy hadn't been interrupted when they were kissing, like what would have happened after the kiss if there were no massacre

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"Could you do one like what would have happened if Nick and Ziggy hadn't been interrupted when they were kissing, like what would have happened after the kiss if there were no massacre."

I've never done a One Shot before, so I hope it's good and you like it, thanks for your support. 🤍

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