𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆.

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All he could think about was Ziggy

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All he could think about was Ziggy. He heard music, any other camper or counselor could have put it, but something told him it was her.

She probably didn't make it to the bus because of Tommy's attack in the Science and Nature cabin.

He had chased her and all Nick can hope is that she is okay.

He looks for her all over the camp, knowing in advance that no one is going to hurt him.

Nick runs to Sarah Fier's tree, which is the only place he has left to check.

His leg is already fine, as a benefit of the curse the wound had healed in just a few minutes.

His heart stops when he sees two figures in the distance lying on the ground.

"No", he whispers, feeling fear invade him as he sees the red hair glowing in the middle of the night.

He runs to Ziggy's body, which is full of blood and feels his heart stop for a moment when he realizes she's not breathing.

"Ziggy... no", he repeats, crouching down beside her "hey, hey", he grabs her cheeks, her body still warm "don't die on me, don't die on me, okay?" he pleads, even though she can't hear him.

Nick remembers how CPR works, they had taught it to all the councils, in case an accident ever happened and just now his hope of recovering her depends on it, even though he knows the odds of it working are low, the emotions he feels at that moment don't let him think clearly.

"Breathe, come on, come on, come on, come on", he says and then approach her mouth and blow, "breathe, come on, come on".

His heart beats fast, giving gentle presses on the girl's chest, but as much as he tries, the redhead's eyes won't open.

"Not you, please Ziggy, come back to me", hhe whispers, his voice breaking.

Tears begin to spill from his eyes, as he begs her not to leave him.

"You weren't supposed to die, please Ziggy..."

The curse was supposed to give him whatever he wanted.

He wants her... so why isn't it working?

What was the point of sacrificing so much if it meant losing the one thing he wants to have the most?

"Ziggy, please don't leave me", he pleads with tear streaked cheeks.

For a second he screams for her to come back to him, but when he realizes it's not going to work, as much as he wants it to, he leans on her arm, sobbing as he whispers things he can't understand himself.

He doesn't know how much time passes, but he cries until the sirens sound.

He had lost her, forever.

His whole body aches, how is he supposed to go on knowing she's dead, that it's his fault?

He doesn't even know how he gets home, probably one of his father's friends brought him.

His gaze is lost somewhere in his room, as he is sitting on the bed.

He's not crying anymore, but everything in his mind revolves around his pain, his guilt, her....

"Would you ever kiss the weird girl?"

He feels his heart clench and he lets out a sob, starting to cry again.

His mother wraps him in a hug when she finds him, a few minutes after he started crying.

"It's okay, Nick, the first sacrifice is always hard", she whispers to him in a loving voice.

He cries even harder.

All those people... they're dead. All for "prosperity", as his father had called it the day he explained to him how the Goode's had become what they are today.

He had also told him that he would get everything he wanted and yet he had lost it.

It's all my fault.

"I killed her", he whispers, taking his mother by surprise, "it's my fault she's dead".

His mother's heart breaks in two, she doesn't understand who he is talking about but she is overcome with a sense of guilt.

He is just a child, she should never have let him do that.

"I loved her and I couldn't even tell her", his voice sounds choppy from the pain he is feeling.

He would never see her again, never see her smile, never kiss her again.

His sobs are getting louder and louder, as if crying out loud would bring her back.

Memories of her replay in his mind over and over again.

He cried himself to sleep, then his mother changed his shirt, which was covered in blood and left him sheltered, leaving the room heartbroken to see her son suffer like that.

But Nick, in the middle of his crying and pain, made a promise to himself.

After all he had been through, after losing the person he loved most.

Nick Goode vowed to put an end to the curse, no matter what it took.

Maybe it was a rash decision to trade his family's legacy for a girl he talked to once for a few hours, but when you meet the right person you know.

And Nick knew from the moment they spoke at the cabin after the incident with Sheila that Ziggy Berman would be the one.

That he would do anything for her.

Even defy the devil.

This One Shot was requested in the Spanish version by

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This One Shot was requested in the Spanish version by

"Could you do one on what would have happened if Ziggy had died in '78?"

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"Could you do one on what would have happened if Ziggy had died in '78?"

I know it was a little short, but I didn't know what else to add.

Thanks for the 477 reads. 🤍

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