𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒉𝒐𝒍 [𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑻𝒘𝒐].

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The next morning Ziggy has a headache that, is although not as bad as she thougth, still bothers her

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The next morning Ziggy has a headache that, is although not as bad as she thougth, still bothers her.

She sits on her bed, frowning and wrinkling her nose.

She lets out a yawn and stretches.

The night before is a blur to her, she remembers everything but it takes her a few minutes to settle her memories and clear her mind, but she finally does.

She throws herself back on the bed, this time with a smile plastered on her face.

She looks down, only to confirm that what had happened hadn't been part of a dream, like the ones she had had in the past.

The clothes she's wearing aren't hers, they're Nick's.

She bites her lips, thrilled to realize it's real.

She feels so silly about it, like one of those dumbass girls who all they care about is having a boyfriend, but she also feels happy, she had always wanted to kiss him and had finally had the chance, though now she didn't know what to do or how to act.

The first thing she does is go to take a bath, as she takes off Nick's clothes she folds them so that when she gets out it will be easier to put them away.

Ziggy has no plans to return it unwashed.

While bathing she decides it would be best to go to Nurse Lane for a headache pill, which he would take after breakfast.

She didn't know what was going to happen next, but she knew she couldn't control it.

Act normal, that's her plan and probably also her only option.

Her sister is in the room when she comes out of the bathroom, her expression is somewhere between angry and relieved.

"Where were you? You left yesterday and didn't tell me anything, I was worried, Christine", Cindy says, half upset.

Ziggy lets out a sigh and goes to her things, looking for the comb to brush her hair.

"I had a drink spilled on me", she starts, opening her purse, "so I came to change", technically she isn't lying, just... hiding details.

"And you didn't think to warn me?" she continues, maintaining her frown.

Ziggy lifts her gaze.

"Oh, yeah, because the first thing I thought of was letting you know I wanted to leave, after someone wet my entire dress at a party I didn't even want to be at in the first place", she replies, sarcastically.

Cindy reproaches her with her glare, but the redhead just rolls her eyes, turning her gaze back to her purse to start rummaging through it.

"Who spilled your drink?" she asks, this time a little calmer.

Ziggy doesn't even bother to answer and after a while Cindy leaves, telling her she needs to join in on the activities.

Mrs. Lane scolds her a bit about her headache, somehow knowing it's not because she's sick, but because she drank when she shouldn't, but in the end she hands her a pill, instructing her to take it after breakfast or else it will make her sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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