𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 [𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑻𝒘𝒐].

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Ziggy takes another walk

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Ziggy takes another walk.

She has been walking back and forth for twenty minutes, deciding whether or not to go out.

Her cabin mates are no longer there, no one was there besides her.

The door opens and Ziggy is startled.

"What are you doing?" Cindy asks.

Ziggy lets out a sigh.


Cindy doesn't believe her, but doesn't insist, remembering the fight from the day before.

"You weren't in the Color War yesterday".

"Neither were you".

Ziggy was actually just guessing, based on what Gary had said the day before, however her silence confirmed it.

"Go get some breakfast", she instructs her, before leaving the cabin.

Ziggy is still hesitant, but decides to go to the dining room, the activities were already starting, then there was hardly anyone there.

She lets out a sigh when she realizes that he is not there, although at the same time she feels disappointed.

It was strange, Ziggy always wanted to see him, but at the same time she felt irritated when he was around her, at least before, before the kiss....

Her mind replays the memory over and over again, while she eats her toast.

After breakfast she goles to the forest, to sort out her thoughts.

When it was clear to her that she had to clear things up with Nick, she decided to go back.

She isn't going to try if he doesn't want to and it's best to make that clear from the start.

Ziggy opens the door to her cabin, first she had to change because her clothes were full of dirt from being in the woods.

As she goes to leave she finds Nick about to knock on the door.

"Where were you?" he asks, his voice sounds concerned and not violent,"I didn't see you all day".

Ziggy had disappeared from breakfast time until almost dusk, even though she didn't normally participate in anything, she was always seen walking around the place.

"Around", she replies.

Nick purses his lips.

"In the woods", she confesses and he nods, quieter.

They stand in silence.

"We should..." they speak at the same time, but hearing the other they stop.

They fall silent again, waiting for one to continue.

"Go on", Nick says to Ziggy.

She bites her lip, she isn't going to go on with the 'you go on' cliché because she really needed to talk to him.

She motions for him to come in and in a funny way they end up in the same spot as the day before, her sitting on the bed and him lounging on a bunk bed.

They both smile at the memory.

"About yesterday..." Ziggy hadn't thought how to tell him, "you said nothing could happen because of the counselor-camper thing".

Nick nods, fearing she'd tell him they'd better forget what had happened.

He doesn't want to forget.

"Do you still think that or...?" she leaves the question hanging in the air.

"No", he immediately denies, "what I said yesterday, about I liked you... I like you", he pauses slightly "I meant it, Ziggy".

He walks over to her and takes her hands, causing her to stand up and face him.

"If you want to..."

"I want to", Ziggy interrupts him and he smiles.

They look at each other for a few seconds, just like the day before and then kiss.

It's sweet and slow, unlike the second kiss they had.

They stay talking for hours, getting to know each other and growing the feelings they both knew they had from much earlier than they would ever admit.

They stay talking for hours, getting to know each other and growing the feelings they both knew they had from much earlier than they would ever admit

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This One Shot was first requested in the Spanish Version by @ziggymayfield11 but was also requested by @RubiVera9 and @Mlpl2009.

"When I really like a One Shot I get super intense

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"When I really like a One Shot I get super intense. Could you do a "tomorrow" one? I mean, a second part of this one."

"I need a second part."

"I need a second part, please"

Remember you can leave your request in the comments and don't worry I'm going to do the ones I already promised, but bear with me because I'm working on several projects.

Thanks infinite for your support, we almost reached the 100 reads in one day. ❤️

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 [𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬] | 𝒁𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌.Where stories live. Discover now