Kidnapped: Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls or the characters

Kidnapped: Chapter 5

Lorelai was sitting in the gazebo having just got off the phone with Rory. Chris crossed the street with two cups of coffee to sit with her. She was smiling. He was thinking how lucky he is to have found her again after all these years. He was smiling too.

"What's got that smile on your face on this beautiful day?" asked Chris, smiling at his wife.

"I just got off the phone with Rory." Smiling back at him, Lorelai explained. "It's hard to keep a secret from her."

Chris laughed. He knew that this was going to be hard on her. She could not keep a secret. He also knew that she would do anything to make their daughter happy.

"Rory seemed to be distracted during our phone call," Lorelai told him. She was worried, no she was concerned about Rory. She was not sure that marrying Logan now was what she should do.

"How long do you think it will be before he proposes," Chris asked, hoping it would not be too long. He didn't want Lorelai to spoil the surprise.

"I want to know how he is going to propose," Lorelai said thinking back to how Chris had proposed to her. She hoped it would be a better proposal.

"Do you think he will do it in style, with flowers and balloons? Oh, maybe a hot air balloon." Lorelai said. She seems to think that he will have some grand gesture, like the coffee cart incident.

"I don't know. Logan knows her pretty well. He knows that she would prefer something small, like a candle-lit dinner." Chris told her. They were laughing and joking about what he could do and what he shouldn't do.

While they were laughing and enjoying the day, little did they know that Dean was listening. He had walked up to the gazebo to talk with Lorelai about Rory, when he saw Chris coming from Luke's Diner. He decided to walk behind the gazebo and wait for Chris to leave. He got a pretty good shock when he realized that they were talking about Logan proposing to Rory. No this can't be happening. He and Rory belong together. He would have to put a stop to this. Maybe he could find her on campus. He would get her alone, away from her friends and tell her how he feels. She feels the same way. He knows it. He will have to convince her. Dean quietly slipped away from the gazebo. Talking to Lorelai did not seem like a good idea now. Dean thought

Tuesday, Rory was on her way to the library to study, when she ran into Finn and Collin sitting on the bench outside the library. She chuckled when she saw them. That was probably as close to the library as either of them had been in the last four years. She stopped and talked with them for a few minutes. She did not see Dean following her. He stepped out from behind the gate to follow Rory when he saw Logan and some blonde walking up to her so-called friends.

Steph and Logan stopped by right after Rory left. The four of them discussed the plans for Saturday. As Steph was leaving for class, Dean decided to follow her. He had only stepped away when he heard the blonde dick and his friends talking about the proposal plans. It was too late for Dean to turn around and go back so he could hear. He decided to circle back around.

Logan, Finn, and Collin did not notice Dean as he was approaching the library. When Dean saw the guys looking in his direction, he turned and went a different direction. He had to find another spot to hide. He needed to know their plans. He pulled his cap down lower on his head and stood in line for the coffee cart. He should be able to hear from there. He would look for Rory later after he formulated a plan.

Rory was busy studying in the Library when she heard a noise behind her. She spotted Dean looking around. She quickly jumped up and hid behind the bookshelf. This was not a good idea for Dean to see her right now. Logan and the guys were just outside the door. Please, please don't let him see her. As she was peeking through the books when she noticed Paris, her former roommate coming toward Rory's usual table.

Rory knew the minute that Paris noticed Dean. The look on her face was priceless. Paris walked up to the former boyfriend of her best friend.

"You need to leave." She exclaimed. "I mean NOW!" Paris yelled. Paris just did not like Dean. She knows that Dean is trouble. "You have some nerve stalking Rory after what you did to her at the Mall, She should have called the law," Paris said shaking her head. "I told you to leave," The other students in the library had stopped studying and were watching Paris and Dean. One of them was on the phone with Security.

While Paris, along with the others in the library had Dean distracted, Rory grabs her things and quickly leaves the library.

She sees the guys at the coffee cart and she stops by to tell them that she is going to the apartment to study, the library is full. Logan decides that it is time to go to class, so he and Rory walk hand in hand through the campus.

After they left, Finn and Collin heard a commotion coming from the hall outside the library. It was Paris and Dean. They were yelling at each other. Finn and Collin stood and watched. They loved to watch Paris give people hell. It was one of the best things about being friends with Logan and Rory, the access to Paris, and her strong but weird personality.

Dean was feeling defeated. He had skipped a day of work to try and talk with Rory, but all he got was attitude from her best friend and many stares from all the uppity Yalie. His Rory did not belong in a place like this. She was a small-town girl. She did not fit in with this crowd. As Dean was leaving, he saw the two guys that were with Logan earlier. He decided to follow. Maybe he could overhear where Rory was. He really needed to talk with her. This was costing him a day's pay.

As he casually walked behind them, he could hear bits and pieces of what they were talking about. He was sure he heard the guy with the sweater vest say something about getting reporter girl to the roof. He also heard the Aussie say something about a proposal. Had he already missed his chance? Had that rich prick already proposed to her? No this could not be the case. He needed to find out more about the proposal, and if it had not happened, he needed to stop it. But how?

Later that day, Logan was on the phone with his dad. He was telling him about his plan to propose. He was asking his dad about the Huntzberger ring. He wanted to give it to Rory. His dad advised him that he would need to come by the house to pick up the ring. He was trying to schedule it when his mother would not be home. He knew that she would not be too happy about his proposal. That ring would look great on Ace's finger. He could not wait.

His thoughts were wandering when he realized his dad was talking about the Dean situation. After the phone call with his dad Saturday, Mitchum had contacted an investigator to look into Dean. Mitchum was telling Logan what he had found. Logan listens and agrees with his dad, this rarely happens, that hiring someone to follow Dean for a few weeks would benefit them all. The more they know about Dean the easier it would be to stop any further attempts at talking with Rory.

Back at the pub, the dynamic duo was sitting around the table discussing how to get Rory to the rooftop for the proposal. Finn also wanted to get a video camera set up so that he could capture it all on video. This would make a perfect video to show at the wedding reception. The more they drank the louder they got. Most people in the pub are used to the animated actions of Finn and Collin, so no one was paying attention. Well, almost no one. They did not notice the figure at the next table. Yeah, you guessed it. It is Dean. He was not drunk. He was listening and taking notes. He was forming a plan. He just needs a few more details and some help from his friends.

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