Kidnapped: Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls or the characters

Kidnapped: Chapter 7

Logan wakes up Sunday morning in the New York apartment. Rory is up and getting ready to leave. The gang and Rory are leaving for New Haven. Logan has to stay behind to meet with an investor. He is meeting him for brunch. The gang will hit up the Bourke Street Bakery before heading to New Haven.

When the gang gets back to New Haven, Rory gets ready to meet her mom in Hartford to shop for her graduation dress.

Meanwhile, in New York, Logan is just leaving his meeting. He has his cell phone out to call an Uber to take him to the private airstrip. He steps into the white Honda Accord and gives the driver the address. He is too busy texting his dad to let him know how the meeting went and Collin to make sure everything is in line for the proposal, to notice the driver or the direction they were going. He plans to land in Hartford and take one of his dad's cars back to New Haven. His dad had a meeting in London and needed the plane back in Hartford.

As Logan continues to respond to emails on his phone, Alec, Dean's cousin, is driving. His destination is the empty warehouse on West 35th Street near the Empire State Building where Dean is waiting. Alec is hopeful that Logan does not realize they are going in the wrong direction. Dean gave him a gun and chloroform. He really didn't want to use it. He is wondering if Dean knows what he is getting himself into.

Dean is waiting on Alec to bring Logan to him. Dean is nervous. How did he get to this point in his life? He asked himself as he took another sip of scotch.

Dean is thinking back to JoBeth, his girlfriend. They had been dating her for a couple of weeks before she ended up in the hospital in a coma. It was his fault or so says her parents. The police took him in and got his statement, but it was not his fault. The guy in the truck ran the stop sign and t-boned them. Now JoBeth is in a coma and her parents are threatening to sue. The police are trying to build a case. He had to leave. He could not stay in Chicago any longer.

Dean's life had really taken a toll on him after his divorce from Lindsey. He blamed Rory, but he also still loved her. After their break up, he moved back to Chicago to live with his aunt. He was trying to get a new start on life, but he could not get Rory out of his head. He knew that a life with her was destined. His cousin, Alec, who was a few months older than him helped him to get a job in construction. Everything was fine for a while. He enjoyed being back in Chicago. He had started going out with a few friends from work. He even had started dating a nice girl, she reminded him of Rory. She had Rory's looks, but not her innocence.

They were leaving a club late one night/early morning, on the outskirts of Chicago. He had been drinking. He was buzzed. He was not drunk. JoBeth was asking him questions and tickling him. He did not see the truck run the stop sign. That had been a month ago. He stayed in Chicago until he heard the doctor say she may not make it. He knew then that her parents and the police would be after him. He and Alec took the next bus out of town. He knew he couldn't go back to Stars Hollow. That is the first place they would look. They headed to New Heaven. They should be able to blend in with all the college students. The year was almost over, maybe they could sneak into one of the empty dorm rooms.

The more he thought about the more he knew he had to talk to Rory. He went to her dorm but she didn't live there anymore. He nosed around campus until he found bits and pieces of her life. She was dating that blond guy, what was his name? Leon, Lenny, no Logan, yes, she was dating and living with Logan. He saw her with him at the coffee cart. He waited for him to leave so he could talk to Rory but he didn't leave. Logan walked Rory to class.

Dean stayed on campus for a while gathering information on Rory, Logan, and their friends. After overhearing (eavesdropping) on Logan and his friends at the Pub, he and Alec developed a plan.

Now he was sitting in the empty warehouse on W 35th Street telling himself he was doing the right thing as he poured himself another drink.

Rory, her Mom, and Grandma are at the mall in Hartford. Emily, Rory's grandmother, was fussing. She wanted to gift Rory a graduation dress from a specialty shop or have Ms. Celin fit her at the house. She was annoyed at Lorelai for just being annoying. Rory and Lorelai were having a ball. After much shopping and many arguments, they found a dress that everyone could agree on. The Coretta Dress features a blue printed organza fabric. Defined by a scoop neckline, intricately pleated ruffle overlay, and vertical seams down the bodice. Now for the shoes.

After what felt like hours, Rory was headed back to New Haven. She had a sneaky feeling the boys were up to something. She checked her phone before she left the mall. No call, nor text from Logan. She checks the time on her Apple watch. He should be in the air by now, or better yet, he should have landed. She tried to call him to see if he wanted her to pick him up when he landed and they could drive back to New Haven together. She waited a few minutes thinking he would call her back. No such luck. The airstrip was on the way back to New Haven, so she decided to swing by, hoping to catch up with him.

Back in New York, Logan realized, to Alec's dismay, that they were headed in the wrong direction. Alec pulled the gun on Logan. He stopped the car and used the chloroform on him. Now Logan was waking up. He is trying to remember where he is. He can't remember having a hangover this bad in years

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