Kidnapped: Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls or the characters

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Kidnapped: Chapter 8

Rory was driving and talking with Steph on the phone, hands-free, about the guys and what they might be up to. As Rory approached the airstrip, she did not see the Huntzburger plane, but she did see Mitchum.

She pulled up to where Mitchum was standing on the phone. He looked angry.

"Has Logan already left for New Haven? I thought I could give him a left. How did his meeting go?" Rory was asking.

"I don't know where he is. I have been waiting for over an hour. I just got off the phone with the pilot. He never showed up for his flight. I told the pilot to get to Hartford. I have a meeting in London." Mitchum told Rory. Rory was concerned. This did not sound like the Logan of late. Last year maybe, but now? She was thinking.

Mitchum just chalked it up to being Logan. Rory knew that if Logan was not going to make the plane that he would have called her. Rory could tell Mitchum was annoyed.

"Did he call you when he got out of his meeting? Maybe it ran long," Rory said.

"Yes, that is the problem. I know he left the meeting. I talked with him afterward. The meeting went great. All I can think of was that he must have gone to a bar to celebrate."Mitchum told her. She could see the fire in his eyes. Rory decided that being there with Mitchum was a bad idea.

As Rory was driving back to New Haven, she called Finn.

"Hey, Have you spoken to Logan after we got back to New Haven?" She asked Finn.

"No," Finn said, putting her on speakerphone. "Collin, it's Rory," Finn said, pointing to the phone. They had to keep a straight face. They didn't want to mess up Logan's plans for tonight.

"I'm worried. He was supposed to have the plan back to Hartford so Mitchum could take it for his trip to London." Rory said. She was getting worried. Finn and Collin just smiled. They knew Logan's plan to propose. They figured he was just getting the last-minute things he needed and had missed the plane-he would show up soon.

Rory got back to the apartment in New Haven, she was a mess. She was so worried about Logan. She called Honor. Honor, knowing Logan's plan was also trying to keep a straight face.

"No, I haven't seen or heard from him today. Honor said. Rory ended the call.

Colin and Finn came busting into the apartment as usual. Rory was still on the phone trying to get in touch with Logan. The guys could tell she was upset so they tried to comfort her by telling her that it would all work out.

After listening to Finn and Collin, Rory was getting mad. She thought that Logan was planning a surprise for her and it was making her mad that he had worried her.

"Love, go get all dressed for tonight. It is going to be a full moon. Maybe your boy will show up soon. We can go to the rooftop and wait for him." Finn said.

She was now sure that Logan had a surprise for her, and that Finn and Collin were in on it. This better be a good surprise. She has been worrying about him all As they reach the stairs to the roof, Finn gets a text from Collin, informing him that Logan was nowhere to be found. Rory was lost in thought she didn't realize that Finn was trying to get her attention.

"Love, it may be chilly up there. Maybe you should go get a sweater. Finn stopped Rory from going to the roof. When she leaves to go get the jacket, Finn hurries up to the roof. He wanted to make sure Logan remembered to set the camera up. When he got to the roof, Logan was nowhere to be found. The rooftop looked just like Finn and Collin left it this afternoon. Finn stepped back into the stairs. He didn't want Rory to walk up on the roof and spoil everything. He pulled out his phone and called Collin.

"What the bloody hell? Where is he?" Finn asked Collin.

"I don't know. Last I talked to him he was picking up the ring at Tiffany's. That was about noon today. I haven't heard from him since." Collin told him.

"Try calling him." He said. "He is not on the roof and everything is just like we left it this afternoon.

"You don't think I have been trying? It goes straight to voice mail." Collin said.

"Okay, okay, let me try. Bloody hell what is he thinking? He should be here. I'm coming down to the apartment. You are going to help me try to explain to Rory what the hell is going on without telling her that he is going to propose." Finn told Collin

Finn met Rory as she was at the bottom of the stairs. She had a sweater and was going back to the roof.

"Love, wait a minute," Finn said. He walked her back into the apartment.

"Hey, reporter girl, where are you going?" Collin said as they walked back into the apartment.

"I was headed to the rooftop with Finn to see the full moon. What are you doing here Collin? I thought you and Logan had your monthly meeting with your dads?" She asked.

"Well about that, let's go sit down," Collin told her.

"But Finn wants to see the full moon, he has convinced me that it is important. It is for one of the outrageous classes he is taking." Rory told them. She was going along with Finn's lie. It was for the greater good. Her surprise.

"No, Love, we need to talk to you first," Finn said.

Rory was chewing on her bottom lip, she was worried. She could tell by the look in their eyes that something was wrong. She had a feeling deep in the pit of her stomach, that something was wrong. She just didn't know what.

Rory goes to the kitchen and starts a pot of coffee. Finn heads to the bar cart and starts pouring drinks.

Collin and Finn are whispering at the bar cart, trying to decide how much and what to tell Rory. Colin and Finn finally agree to tell her as much as they can without telling her that Logan was going to propose.

"Reporter Girl. Logan planned a special dinner on the roof. Finn was supposed to get you up there. Logan was supposed to be waiting for you." Collin told her.

"Well, why are we not on the roof?" She asked. She didn't like the feeling she had deep in her stomach. Something was wrong. Logan missed his plane, now she had a feeling that Logan was not on the roof.

"He is not there. He was supposed to be waiting on the roof for you, but he is not there." Collin told her. As Collins was talking, Rory was dialing Logan's number. Straight to voicemail. She then called Honor.

Honor answered the phone after looking at the caller id, Honor being one that does not wait for anyone started rambling on.

"Oh Rory, please tell me you love it. He showed it to me last week before he had it sized. It is so beautiful. I had hoped my grandma Victoria would leave it to me in her Will, but it was left to Logan. So glad you are the one getting it. You have got to send me a picture with it on your finger and oh, we have got to get together and go shopping, this is so exciting. I can't wait for you to be my sister. Have you talked about dates? Oh how" before Honor could go any further Rory interrupted her.

"Honor what are you talking about. I called you to see if you knew where Logan was. He is not answering his phone. What do you mean you can't wait to be my sister?" Rory asked.

At this point, Collin grabbed the phone from Rory

"Honor, Logan did not show up for the special dinner. We don't know where he is." Collin said.

"Let me try, I will call Dad to see if maybe he stopped by his office and dad has him delayed. I will call you right back." Honor said and ended the call.

Rory was worried now. She told Colin and Finn about running into Mitchum at the airport. So they waited for Honor to call back.

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