Kidnapped: Chapter 9

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Kidnapped: Chapter 9

Meanwhile, Logan was just waking up. He was trying to figure out what was going on. He was laying on a hard metal floor. He could barely see. There was a small stream of light coming from the window way up high. It was the full moon. Oh no, he is supposed to be meeting Rory on the rooftop. What was he doing here? Where is he? He tried to get up, but he was dizzy. He was trying to remember what happened and how he got here. He was finally able to stand up. He went toward the window, but soon realized it was too high. He would need something to stand on. He looked around nothing in the room but him and some sports equipment. He walked over toward the equipment and saw a light switch. He flicked the switch on a single light bulb dimly lit up.

He surveyed his surroundings, trying to figure out what happened. He remembered leaving Tiffany's and stopping at the coffee shop for a cup of coffee and a sandwich. He left there and was about to walk into the cleaner to pick up his good suit and that is all he remembers. He feels in his pockets for his phone and the ring. Oh no, what happened to the ring. The ring that he was going to propose to Rory with. The antique ring that his grandma left to him, the ring that his grandfather had inherited from his grandfather. This was a family heirloom.

Had he been mugged. If so, why was he in this room? What was he going to do? Wait, he thinks he hears a noise coming from the wall. He gets closer and puts his ear to the wall. Yes, he hears the tv and maybe someone talking. He can barely make out what is being said. He was getting ready to beat on the wall and yell for help when he heard his name. He listens and hears a male voice talking. He can only make out a few words but he is sure he hears kidnapped and train. Maybe he better not beat on the wall just yet.

Back at Logan and Rory's apartment, Finn, Collin, Rory and Honor are pacing around. Each on their cell phone, calling everywhere they think Logan may be. Rory had been asking questions to the point that Honor was ready to tell her about the proposal. Rory is on the phone with the bartender at the pub when she receives a text. She hung up the phone and told everyone.

"Hey, I just got a text from Logan." She opened it up and read it. She was just looking at the phone. Tears are forming in her eyes and she is too shocked to notice. She just collapsed on the sofa. Finn grabbed the phone and read the text.

Rory, I'm sorry but I cannot do this anymore. This is not right. I do not love u. I need you to move out of the apartment and be gone before I get back. I am so sorry.

Finn read this out loud. Honor sat next to Rory and was hugging her

"Rory, that can not be from Logan," Honor said. She was holding Rory while she cried.

Finn and Collin started trying to call Logan again, both going to voicemail. Everyone was yelling and talking at once. Rory was just curled up in a ball on the sofa crying.

"STOP, everyone Stop. Think about this. This can not be coming from Logan." Honor Finally yelled.

"But it came from his phone," Finn said.

"Yeah, but maybe he left his phone somewhere and someone picked it up,"Collins said. He knew this could not be Logan.

Collin snatched the phone from Finn and looked at it again.

"Does Logan always start off his text with your name? Doesn't he call you Ace?" Collin asked Rory, as he was going back through her text messages from Logan. "See, Look at this text," Collin said. "Oops, maybe not this one." Honor then grabbed the phone.

"Yeah Rory, he always refers to you as Ace," Honor said. "Look, Logan's text always calls her Ace, Logan's text also shows that he uses contractions and never uses u for you." Honor told them, showing them the phone.

"He hates when he gets a text that has u for you and k for okay. Rory told them.

Honor stepped to the bathroom and called her dad. She explained to him what was going on. He tells her that he is sure that it is nothing. It is just Logan being Logan. She tells her dad about his mother's ring and that she knows Logan would not ditch Rory.

Mitchum thinks about this for a few minutes and tells Honor that he will send someone to Logan's apartment. He is on a plane and is headed to London. He will arrange for a standby pilot to fly him back to New Haven.

"Logan better not be playing some practical joke." He told Honor. "call him if they find Logan before he gets there.

While they are waiting for Mitcham's guy to get there, they explain to Rory about the proposal. She is excited but worried. What could have happened to him? They had called all the hospitals as well as the police stations. No one knows the whereabouts of Logan. 

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