Happy 18th Birthday

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(Her outfit above)

It was 5am and no one was up in the loft. Well ... no one but Skylar. Skylar quickly threw on her outfit, grabbed her bag with her necessities and raced out the door and down the street. This was no surprise to Clary nor Jocelyn for this was a daily thing that Skylar did to avoid social interaction with her family, as much as possible. 

Skylar bit into the apple that she had grabbed on her way out, as she made her way to the archery range. She dropped off her jacket and bag minus her bow and arrow and slammed the locker shut. She sighed as she pushed the door open and got warmed up. Her mother had forced her to go with her twin to the club. Pandemonium. She recalled. Just for today  she said to herself, as she dreaded that moment when she had to spend time with her sister.

You see whereas most siblings would generally get along or at least be there for eachother, (especially twins), Skylar and Clary hated each other. Whatever one of them liked, the other one hated and vice versa. And they DID NOT get along, what so ever.

Skylar pulled her arm back and released the arrow. Bullseye. As usual. She notched another arrow and let it fly through the air and watched as it cut through the first arrow and hit dead centre. She continued doing this until she realized she had to go to the club to meet with Clary and her little lapdog. She groaned out loud, rolling her eyes annoyed.

She grabbed her things and began jogging home, chugging her water bottle on the way. When she arrived she didn't bother changing. Skylar stashed away her bow and arrow in a holder she had created in her jacket, as well as a couple of daggers. What? You could never be to safe. Jocelyn knocked on her door. Everyone knew to keep out of Skylar's room or she would try and kill you. Sighing she grabbed her other bag. 2 extra pair of clothing, some toiletries, girly things, her phone and laptop were among the items in the bag. Because straight after the club she was going to her new apartment that she had recently brought with her saved up money. 

Skylar met her mom and sister in the living room as she handed both of the twins a dagger. A seraph blade is what Skylar's mom had called it. She twirled it around, examining it. Light, balanced and sharp. Sweet. Skylar's mom had said it was a Fray Heirloom. Skylar pocketed the stele as Clary gave their mom a kiss. They both bid their goodbyes and headed out the door. Promising to talk during breakfast. Which meant Skylar had to come. Ugh.

After the gig...

Skylar walked out the door. Her legs stiff. Skylar headed into the club to grab a drink but when she did she tripped over a girls 5 inch heels and ended up spilling her drink all over another girl in a hot pink outfit with platinum blonde hair. She gasped in horror. The dress must of been designer. She quickly grabbed some tissues and began wiping the drink from the dress. Apologizing profusely. "Wait. You can see me?" The girl questioned as Skylar stood up and threw the tissues away. Skylar casted a strange look at the girl. "Um, yeah? I mean why shouldn't I?" The girl shook her head and waved goodbye to Skylar and walked away. Well that was strange. Skylar shook her head, as she was sent tumbling down onto the ground. 

And surprise, surprise, it was Clary. "Skylar!?" Clary shrieked. Skylar winced at Clary's high pitched voice. "Did you see where a blonde guy with tattoos went?" She questioned. Skylar rolled her eyes. "Through the VIP area." And before Skylar got the chance to ask her sister why Clary bolted away. Skylar groaned, knowing she would have to go after Clary. Because if anything were to happen to her, Skylar would be blamed. Skylar sighed and sprinted after her sister.

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