Now somebody tell me, they didn't see that one coming

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Alec and Skylar walked down the tunnel, using witchlight to lead the way. "For Shadowhunters, the descendant into Hell is easy." Skylar read off the statue. Alec seemeed surprised that sh read Latin but didn't comment. He gestured for her to follow. Suddenly they arrived at the center where the Silent Brothers waited. "Alexander Lightwood step away." One commanded. Alec squeezed Skylar's hand, signifying that he would be there for her before complying to the SIlent Brother's orders.

"The search of your stolen memories ... is a perilous one." Skylar nodded determinedly. "Should you not be strong enough... the Soul-Sword will kill you." Skylar took a deep breath, looked at the Silent Brothers and told them she was ready. "The Soul-Sword reveals all." Was all the warning she got before the Soul sword was raised above Skylar's head and was let down until the tip reached Skylar's forehead.


"Magnus I need you to get rid of Skylar's memories. She's turning into a monster! Please!" Skylar heard her mum tell an asian man with glowing cat eyes. Suddenly she was thrown further back.

"Her powers are getting more powerful" Was all she heard as she flew past the memory. 

Skylar saw her younger self playing with a large group of mysterious of men and women and what must of been their children late at night when her mother came rushing in and went to stab one of them with a seraph blade before she interfered. Mini Skylar stepped in front of the man with her arms raised as if to stop her mum. Jocelyn skidded to a stop and her eyes burning with a raging fire as she scooped up young Skylar. "YOU! YOU SICK MONSTERS HAVE TURNED MY DAUGHTER INTO ONE YOUR OWN. YOU'VE TURNED HER AGAINST ME!" Skylar heard her mother say as she watched her younger self pound against Jocelyn's arms, trying to reach for another pale man off to the side, who had his jaw and fists clenched. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Always remember who you are at the heart, my dear. You'll forge a path of your own. You can do what you want with your life. Never let anyone tell you what you should do, like or look. Never shy away." Skylar heard someone whisper in her ear. It was Magnus. His eyes held what Skylar assumed to be sympathy, regret and sorrow. "When  you remember, come visit me and I'll fully restore your memories, strawberry."

"Always wear your scars with pride, hiding them and being ashamed of them. You'll be letting the one who did that to you, win."

"There are always second choices and everyone deserves them, Mi amor." The pale man from one of the previous memories told her as he hoisted her on his hip. 

Flashback Ending...

Was all Skylar heard before she woke up in Alec's arms, gasping. "Skylar! Are you okay?" Alec asked. Skylar staggered to her feet. "I remember." Se whispered as Alec led her out of the Cave, passing Clary on the way. "We're going to scout the border." Alec told Izzy as he walked away, Skylar in tow. 

Once they were far enough, Alec set Skylar down gently against the rocks, caressing her dazed face. "Are you okay?" Skylar nodded feebly when they heard a stumble. They shared a look before they staggered to their feet and rushed back to the entrance. Clary lay there, kneeling and sobbing. 

"What happened? What did you find out?" Alec asked expressionless. "Valentine is Clary's father." Jace answered, seeing the girl so distressed. "Wait a minute. You're telling me this girl shows up out of nowhere and she's Valentine's daughter? Did it occur to you that she might be a spy? This might be part of her plan?" Alec asked angered already standing over Skylar, protectively as Skylar squeezed his hand tighter. 

"That's enough, Alec. And what about Skylar?" Alec faltered. "Skylar isn't a spy. She saved my life and you should learn to shut your mouth Jace." The fighting only seemed to distress Clary even more. Alec's accusations fueled her fire. "Do you think I planned for my mom to get kidnapped? Or... or for Dot to be taken? Or to have a giant sword dangle over my head and find out that my father is one of the most dangerous people in the world? Really!" Clary shouted before realising Izzy and Simon weren't there. "Where's Simon?" Spotting Izzy, Clary once again asked the question.

"I told him to stay in the van. I've searched everywhere." Izzy told Clary. "He's gone?" Clary shrieked. Izzy told Clary that she couldn't find him. Only making her more angry. Clary screamed at the brunette, saying it was her job to protect him before going over to the bridge. "Ugh, these mundanes are killing me." Jace groaned before going after Clary. Clary called out Simon's name continuously and by then Skylar had snapped fully out of her daze.

"Is that the mundane's name?" A pale man called from above. Skylar froze. She remembered him from once of her flashbacks, but couldn't put a name to his face. Also with the man, was a woman and Simon. Hanging upside down. 'I'm afraid Simon's coming with us." He continued. "No! No, he's not a part of this!" Clary screamed desperately. "And it'll be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him." Jace threatened, before Alec quickly warned him that they would be breaking the accords.

"I'm afraid your sidekick's quite right. The Night Children have broken no laws. We're negotiating. The mundane, unharmed, in exchange for the Mortal Cup. And the clock is ticking. Tick-tock, people." Was all he said before both him and the woman disappeared, Simon in tow. Before they fully disappeared they heard Simon scream for Clary. "Simon! No!" Clary chanted Simon's name over and over again like a ritual "Now somebody tell they didn't see that one coming." Skylar whispered to Alec before she snapped at Clary and screamed at her to shut up. Skylar took a breath, let go of Alec's hand and walked away. Alec ran after her disappearing figure, but not before casting an unsure glance at Clary.

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