Looking shit in the eyes

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Skylar has been doing split handstand for 3 minutes (is that too long or too short?) before she could feel her arms begin to shake as sweat dripped down her forehead. Slowly she eased herself out, her body straightening as she felt eyes watching her. She turns around, water bottle in hand and faces... Maryse? 

"Your endurance is impressive." She states nonchalantly. Skylar's eyebrows furrows as she struggles to comprehend the fact that Maryse had complimented her. Just how long had Maryse been watching her?  "Thankyou Ma'am." She muttered, her voice barely audible as Maryse begun to walk away from the training room, heels clacking on the tiled floor.

Skylar stands in the middle of the training room, unsure how to go from here. She pursed her lips as she resolved to get a snack from the kitchen. Mindlessly wandering around, Skylar pauses, head turning as her eyes scanned the corridor. I swear I could have felt... Skylar glanced down and there lying on the ground, clearly having ran into her, is a young boy that couldn't be older than 10 years old. His wide eyes staring right back at her.

Skylar bends down so that 1 of her knees touches the ground, offering a hand to the young boy. "Hey kid, what are you doing runnin' around here?" Skylar said softly as she lifted him back to his feet. He gave a toothy smile. "I'm Max!" Max shot Skylar a toothy grin before his eyes darted behind her and lit up. Before she could react, Max shot off behind her and crashed into someone else. She spun on her heel and came face to face with a... chest?

Skylar craned her neck up (??), her poor pride, I'm a fucking fighter for fucks sake, I should be looking shit in the eye She made eye contact with Alec who had Max sat on his hip. When did he get so tall? I could of sworn he was shorter yesterday. "You know Max?" Skylar blurted out before she could stop herself. Alec's eyebrows raised. Her eyes darted back and forth before the dots finally connected. "Is he your...?" Alec nodded with a smile. "Okay then, ummm I'm just gonna yeah." Distantly she could Izzy shouting her name.

Thankyou Izzy Skylar almost let out an audible sigh of relief as she brushed past Alec and calmly walked, no she did not run nor speed walk, down the corridor before missing the door to Izzy's room, and having to awkwardly turn back around.

She burst into Izzy's room, startling Izzy, and flopped down onto her bed. "Didn't know you had another brother." Skylar's voice was muffled by the bed sheets. Izzy put down her makeup and spun her chair around. "What did you say?"

Skylar heaved herself up. "Your brother." Izzy raised her eyebrows. "Oh gods no, Max, Izzy, I'm talking about about Max!" Izzy's eyes widened. "Max is here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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