Tell the entire institute that we're up to no good

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"I still don't understand. How can Shadowhunters be better than... than what you people call mundanes?" Clary confessed as they entered the Institute. "Because we protect humans." izzy supplied. Clary scoffed. "You're right. Humans. You protect humans. You left Simon all alone in the van. Great job, guys. You rock." Skylar heaved a sigh. She felt tired and sick.

"This isn't Izzy's fault. You decided to bring Simon into this world when he doesn't belong, despite the warnings and Simon chose to stay like the bitch he is. It was yours and Simon's fault that he is kidnapped. Izzy did her best to protect Simon yet had that been you, you would of easily failed too. So don't talk about Izzy like that when you were the actual one to blame." Skylar defended her new friend. Clary needed to see that it wasn't Izzy's fault but hers.

"There is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense" Alec added. Izzy signaled to Alec to knock it off.

"Look, they won't do anything to Simon. They just wanted to draw you out. They want the Cup, and they think you have it." Jace concluded. "But why do they think that? Why does anyone think that? What, my mom lies to me my entire life except, "Oh, by the way, there's this magic cup, I hid on, like the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone". What am I supposed to do now?" Clar threw her arms up in frustration. Of course, it's her mum. Not like we're twins or anything, but okay. Skylar thought bitterly.

"We have to report to the Clave." Alec said robotically. "Great." Jace muttered. "They have to know we've learned about Valentine." Jace was told by Alec.

"What, that he's my father? Great. Fine. Tell them. What good does that do Simon?" Clary asked. Skylar heaved a sigh. "Clary, it's all connected. The vamps want the Cup, god how stupid are you?" Skylar muttered the last part. Clary heard it. "Why? It makes new Shadowhunters." Deciding to ignore Skylar's last comment, asked.

"Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself."  Alec answered as if it were obvious, it was. "Plus, it controls demons." Izzy continued. "They'll propose a trade. Simon for the Cup." Jace concluded. 

"So, vampires will trade Simon for the Cup and Valentine will trade my mother for the Cup. Either way, I lose someone I love. What if I just toss it up in the air and let them fight it out among themselves?" Clary wondered out loud. "So, this doesn't matter to you?" Alec asked angrily, he stepped forward to hit Clary. Skylar quickly grabbed his hand, intertwined their hands and rubbing circles into his palm to calm him and stop him from drawing attention to them. It worked. Izzy smirked as she watched the interaction between her usually stoic brother and one of the new Shadowhunters. 

"Yes, of course, it matters! Listen... when you saved my life... I put my trust in you. Now, I need you to put your trust in me. I can't turn into what you are overnight." Clary said, completely oblivious to the affection between the 2. "It's true. She was raised as a mundane." Izzy reasoned. Alec turned to Izzy. "What are you, her spokesman now? Besides so was Skylar and you don't see her struggling." Alec asked sarcastically. "I don't need a spokesman, I need a plan."

"Uh, look at all this stuff, these screens. I mean, can any of this help me find Simon? Where is he, anyway? Some kind of crypt in Transylvania?" Clary asked, looking at all the technology that surrounded them. Skylar rolled her eyes, of course Clary wouldn't know anything. "Actually, no. That was Camille's outfit, right? They're locals." Jace asked but seemed to already know the answers. "They're at the Hotel DuMort or Hotel Death, I believe, down in Gansevoort Street." Skylar supplied with a faraway look, remembering some of her lost memories. The shadowhunters looked surprised but either quickly recovered or masked it really fast.

"And we came back here? Why? We have to go there. Let's go, now. Come on." Clary said excitedly. "We need a Clave resolution for that." Alec told her in a duh tone. "The four of us can't declare war on the vamps all by ourselves." Izzy reasoned, seeing that her brother wasn't really helping the situation, despite Skylar's efforts. 

"And we can't react without considering our options. Downworlders are slaves to their impulses. We're not." Alec jumped in. "Alec, you can't stomp on all the Downworlders." Izzy scolded her older brother. "Oh, that's right. Seelies have their charms, apparently." Alec replied sarcastically. "Right?" Jace muttered to no one in particular. They both look at their sister and Izzy smiles at them. 

"Seelies?" Clary asked, lost. "Like faeries. The Fair Folk. Add pixies, nixies, elves... anybody half-angel, half-demon. It's pretty much a catch-all term." Jace informed Clary. "Izzy can tell you all about them. She's got a thing." Alec said almost ... teasing? 

"We've all got our things, don't we?" Izzy said, looking between Skylar and Alec with a mischievous smirk. " Okay, I can't listen to this. Simon's been kidnapped by vampires. I guess I'll just take care of it myself." Clary interrupted, annoyed that they wouldn't take this seriously. 

Clary began to storm away. Boots creating a large echo in the institute. "Clary, you're gonna get yourself killed." Jace said but to no avail. Skylar sighed. She didn't get paid enough. "Clary. Simon will die too." That got Clary to stop. She walked back to the rest.

" Then help me. While we consider other options, my best friend is suffering. Is that something Shadowhunters understand or am I just being a mundane?" Clary asked irritated. "Yes, yes you are being mundane." Skylar muttered to Alec who smiled slightly. "Clary's right. They made the first move. We're gonna take care of this ourselves, right now." Jace stated loudly. What are you trying to do? Tell the entire institute that we're up to no good? Skylar thought. 

"This is a bad idea. I—" Alec voiced his opinion and Skylar had to agree. Going against 1000 year old vampired with only three experienced Shadowhunters, someone who could fight and an utter and absolute damsel in distress? Not a good idea. 

"What, have you got a better one? Look, the vamps broke the Accords. They kidnapped a mundie. That's a big no-no. The Clave will give us a lecture and then they'll be glad we did it. Come on." Jace snapped seeing Clary's enraged face.

"Hard to argue with that."Izzy shrugged carelessly. As long as she got to kick some demon butt. "You're going to declare war on an entire group of 100 or even older vampires with only 3 professionals? What kind of stupid idea is that? Clary can barely hold a sword let alone use it and my weapons don't work." Skylar looked at Jace as if he was insane, which in Skylar's eyes, he probably was. Jace shrugged.

"Even if we went ahead, I don't see how we get out of here without having to explain where we're going. We need weapons, and we can't let anyone see us get them." Alec told the other 2. Jace smirked. "I know where to get what we need." 

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