She's awake and still annoying as ever

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Skylar watched Izzy examine Clary from her place, leaning on the wall with her leg propped up against it. Suddenly Clary shot up like a bullet. Skylar mentally chuckled as Clary groaned, rubbing her head, as she bumped into Izzy. Surprised, Izzy jerked back but quickly recovered. "Wait, I don't know you." Clary stated dumbly. Skylar rolled her eyes Oh really? Now how in fucking hell did you figure that? Clary looked around. Skylar looked Izzy dead in the eye. "I told you, she would take 3 days to wake up." Izzy rolled her eyes as she handed Skylar $20. "I'm Isabelle and I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane ... or distracted. Like you saw earlier, distractions are dangerous in our line of work."

Clary blinked a few times. "I have no idea what you are talking about. Who's Jace?" Skylar sighed. She was bored. "You really don't know much, do you?" Yeah, well no shit. "All I know is some psychos took my mother, and now you people have taken me and Skylar." Isabelle turned her head to give Clary a incredulous look. "And by 'taken' I assume you mean saved your life?"Izzy questioned as Jace and Alec walked in.

"A mundane shouldn't even be here." Alec stated grumpily from his place at the door. "Where is "here" exactly?" Clary questioned but was ignored, Clary looked offended at this action making Skylar smirk. "She's not a mundane, Alec." Jace told Alec tiredly. Alec scoffed questioning how Jace knew that. "Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it." Jace turned to face Clary, grinning cockily. "I'm Jace Wayland." 

"I'm uh" Skylar mentally groaned as she physically facepalmed. This was her sister? How embarrassing. She could at least have the audacity to be more subtle about it. "Clary Fray. We know you are." 

"Well, that's not creepy. Not at all." Skylar muttered. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Alec's lips perk up in the smallest smile. But as quick as it came, it disappeared, his face returning to his blank look. "Am I the only who finds this unusual?" Alec questioned. Jace rolled his eyes as he stared at his parabatai. "You find everything unusual Alec." Jace reminded Alec. Alec grunted and unfolded his arms. "I have to report this to the Clave." At this, Jace seemed to grow annoyed. 

"You know what? Dial it down a notch." Isabelle giggled softly and put her hand on Alec's shoulder. "My brother doesn't have a dial. I love you, Alec, but you have a switch that's always on." "I love you too, but this-" Alec gestured to Clary without making eye contact. Something Clary did not appreciate. Jace got up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and walked over to Alec. "Hey, you know what? Give me a minute. Here's a word you never hear me say. Please?" Jace basically pleaded. "What is with you? Really, no, what is with him?" Alec asked no one in particular. "He's in love with Clary." Mumbled Skylar, Izzy and Alec's lips twitched upwards as Izzy gestured for Alec to walk with her.

Skylar soon followed Izzy and Alec out, not being able to stand the 2 basically eye-fucking each other. Skylar sighed as she walked into the kitchen to grab a snack.

Skylar threw the apple core away and made her way towards the entrance. She was soon joined by Alec. The pair walked in a comfortable silence to the entrance.  This silence was broken when Alec spoke up, clearly not happy. "What is going on? Why is there a mundane in the Institute?" Alec questioned, staring directly into Jace's eyes for answers. By now Skylar had snapped out of her trance and groaned quietly that only Alec was able to catch. "I thought I wouldn't have to see him again." Skylar grumbled, not pleased at all. Alec mentally snickered.

"A circle member followed him to get to Clary." Jace responded. "A circle rune, just like the guys that took my mother." Clary jumped in. Talking as if Alec wouldn't understand what she was saying. Skylar cocked an eyebrow at Clary upon hearing the my.  "What exactly is a Circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" Simon asked meekly. "All we know is... a long time ago the Circle led a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunters got killed... including my father." Jace added the last part after a moment of hesitation. Clary shot Jace a sympathetic look.

"And since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle." Alec finished for Jace. "But how that's even possible? It's your history." Skylar and Alec rolled their eyes. "Says the girl that didn't even know she was a Shadowhunter until like 10 minutes ago." Skylar shot back already sick of Clary. Clary glared at Skylar, choosing to ignore Skylar's comment. 

"But now the only person who knows the truth is missing, so I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, I'm... There's gotta be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken my mother." 

"Again with the my mother. Y'know she's my mother to?" Skylar grumbled agitated that she was being completely ignored. As usual. Alec shot her a sympathetic look and put his hand on Skylar's shoulder. Skylar gave a weak smile and left Alec be, grateful for the comfort, even if momentarily. "There is. You coming?" Jace called as he gestured for Clar to followed, but when Simon went to follow, Jace put out his arm to stop him. "No no no, not you." 

Clary looked at her best friend's sad expression. She felt anger flare in her. "Hey we're a package deal!" Skylar rubbed her forehead, feeling a migraine coming. Simon was quick to agree with Clary. Jace smirked and told 'Clary's Boyfriend' to go ahead, but the runes on the ground would kill him. Simon and Clary quickly protested that they were just best friends. Unknown to Clary, she was hurting Simon. "Ooo, the friend zone at it's finest." Skylar smirked. Aled let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, and I'm tough. I can handle runes. So, uh, bring on the runes. What exactly are runes?" Simon chuckled nervously. Suddenly Izzy walked in, smirking at Alec and Skylar. "They give Shadowhunters our demon-fighting powers." Izzy took out her stele and activated her angelic rune on her arm. "So hot." Simon whispered. Alec glared at Simon while Jace cleared his throat. "T-The rune! I meant the rune." Simon quickly tried to fix his mistake but the damage was done.

"Don't worry, Clary. I'll watch over the best friend. In fact, I was about to make breakfast." Izzy offered Clary a smile. Jace inhaled sharply. "On second thought, the runes might be less lethal." Jace joked. Izzy glared at Jace. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Please excuse my brother's lack of manners. This is Alec... and I'm Isabelle." Izzy held out her hand for Simon to kiss but instead Simon shook it. Skylar muffled her laughter behind her hand as Simon made a fool out of himself.  

Skylar followed Alec out of the room and down one o the many corridors. "You okay?" Alec asked without glancing at Skylar. Skylar furrowed her eyebrows as she briefly glanced at Alec. "Why wouldn't I be?" Alec hummed before answering. "You seemed pretty upset when your sister implied that Jocelyn Fray was only her mother." Alec glanced away. "It's fine, I'm used to it." Skylar dismissed the question as she walked ahead. Alec frowned, watching her walk away.

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