This bitch

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Alec and Skylar found Clary standing in front of Brooklyn Academy of Art, phone ringing and mundanes confused as ever at where the ringing was coming from. Moron" Skylar muttered as she and Alec ran up to Clary. "Why'd you run out? And what's the point of an Invisibility rune if you don't silence your phone? That was childish, sneaking out like that..." Alec trailed off seeing as Clary wasn't paying attention to him as she was busy taking a call. "Simon. Hey. I know I should have called you right back. I'm really sorry. Are you okay?" Clary asked worried. Skylar heaved a sigh. This day could not get any worse. "You know that thing when you think you're catching a cold, but you never actually get sick?" They heard Simon's voice respond.

"Yeah, I totally get it. Um, can we talk later? Things are kind of insane right now." Clary responded looking away from Skylar and Alec. "Insane, how? Are you okay?" Simon asked frantically. Clary began to ramble. "I'm at the Brooklyn Academy. I'm on my way to—" But before Clary got a chance to continue her sentence Skylar snatced the phone out of Clary's hand and tossed it away. "Mundanes. Look at them. Running around like ants. Let's go." Alec beckoned after sneering at the oblivious mundanes passing by. "Why do you always look so miserable?" Clary asked inconsiderately. "I don't" Alec snapped. Skylar rubbed her forehead, she could practically hear the headache coming.

"You do. It must be hard being in love with Jace and he's straight and everything." Clary smirked thinking she had won. Well that smirk disappeared when Skylar yanked Clary down by her ear. Clary let out a shriek of pain. "Don't you have any sort of respect? Gd your disgraceful. Who the fuck goes around saying that. If they don't talk about it you don't talk about it, got it bitch?" Skylar hissed, glaring deep into Clary's soul. Clary quickly nodded her head and grasped her ear when she was released. Alec mouthed a thanks as Simon came rushing towards them.

Clary and Simon ran to each other movie style and jumped into each other's arms. "Geez what are we in? Some cheesy romance movie?" Alec snickered at Skylar's snide comment. "Yeah, it's just a cold. Not the end of the world." They heard Simon reassure Clary. "The world's been ending for a thousand years. Ah, you get used to it. Now, we need to move." Alec snapped. "Yeah, my mom's loft is just across the alley." Clary ignored Alec. "All right, well, we have to be careful. There are eyes all over this place and everybody in the Shadow World's looking for you." Alec looked around and tugged Skylar closer to him. Skylar stumbled as he tugged on her hand. 

"I mean, I guarantee you, no one's gonna find this shortcut. I used to take it back in middle school to see Clary. You might know the Shadow World, but trust me... I know Brooklyn. Come on." But before Simon could begin going Skylar appeared in front of him and pushed him back into Clary. "No offense Lewis, but I know Brooklyn way better than you," Skylar shoved a finger at Simon's chest. "Ever will, c'mon." Skylar motioned for them to follow. Clary complied rather grudgingly after Alec cast an indescribable expression. 

Skylar led them to a small and narrow alleyway that was barely noticeable by anyone who hadn't looked carefully. She jumped over the wall that blocked them and onto the ladder without touching ground. Alec and Simon followed flawlessly, Clary, well ... not so much. She tumbled down onto the ground but not before  getting stuck climbing over the wall. How? No one knows. This bitch. Was what ran through Skylar's mind as she and Alec watched unimpressed as Clary struggled to climb over the wall let alone jump it. 

After Clary's struggle (much to the amusement of Alec and Skylar but no one needs to know that), they climbed up the ladder and found themselves on an abandoned rooftop. They climbed over the overgrown plants and onto a fire escape. "Hey, this is kinda fun." Clary panted out. "You've gotten a lot better at this." Simon complimented. "I can't tell whether that was an insult or a compliment." Skylar whispered. Alec barely contained a snort as they Clary speak up once again. "I was just gonna say the same thing about you."

"Climbing a fire escape excites mundanes. I'll never understand these people." Alec muttered loud enough for all of them to hear. "You and me." Skylar agreed. 

"Whoa. I don't remember it like this." Clary exclaimed as they arrived at the apartment that was revealed to be covered in runes. "These are runes and wards of protection cast by a warlock." Alec observed. "Dot." Skylar muttered next to Alec. "Some of look like they've been here for years." Skylar picked at a rune. "The only difference being we can actually see them now."

"Yo, Clary. What are all these tags?" Simon asked. Skylar and Alec furrowed their brows. "I thought you said that mundanes can't see runes?" Skylar turned to Alec as he responded. "They can't." 

Skylar glanced at Simon while her mind wandered off. She snapped out of it when she spotted Alec calling for her, holding a door open as well gesturing for her to come through. Skylar smiled and nodded her thanks before walking into the apartment she had lived in for years. It smelt faintly of charcoal and smoke. She brush her hand against the wooden floor and watched a bit of the blackened char come off.

Faintly she could hear Simon, Clary and Alec all talking, well more like fighting. She walked over to her room, eyes glazed over, walking as if she was going to fly off at any given moment, it looked as if she was in a trance. She spotted the special lock Magnus had gave her and probably charmed and hoped to all the god out there that her room was fine and that the lock kept everything adn everyone out. She took a breath unlocked the lock, and stepped into find her room completely untouched, as if nothing had ever happened to them or the apartment but Skylar knew that wasn't true. She grabbed a camping bag and began to stuff everything in it. Clothes, stash of food, you name it. 

Suddenly Alec barged in. "You're sister and Simon were taken." He looked annoyed but paused when he took in his surroundings. He gestured around the room. "Magnus gave me a lock saying it would keep my mom and Clary out, well I guess it kept everything out." Skylar answered Alec's unspoken question. Alec nodded.

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