For fucks sake

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Skylar shares a grin with Izzy as she runs up to her, Simon lagging behind her, before he spotted Clary and quickly ran up to her for a hug. Distantly she can her Jace state something, however, much like she does with Clary, Skylar naturally tunes him out. Could you blame her? It wasn't her fault that his voices sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

Skylar turns around as she feels a set of eyes watching her. Posture stiff as her hand drifts towards her seraph blade as she locks eyes with a pair of glowing eyes. Werewolves Skylar realizes. She nudges Izzy causing her to call out to Simon. Skylar spins on her heel as the realization dawns o her, they were being ambushed. Oh for fucks sake, can we go 1 fucking day without a fight? Jeez Skylar cursed her luck as she held out her blade in defense. She could feel Alec draw his bow, see his elbow in her peripheral. 

"We're surrounded. Everyone, stay together." Nah, really? She cranes her head, catching a glimpse of what must of been the alpha walking through the doors. "Jace, behind!" Clary cries out, but before anyone could do anything another wolf runs out and tackled the alpha. Who would... Luke. 

Skylar gulped, truly she didn't know how to feel about Luke. Sure the man still somewhat favorited Clary, he was a lot less obvious about it and still treated her more fair than her mother ever had. But logically she also knew that if it came down to her and Clary, that Luke would inevitably chose Clary. She had long since came to peace with that, closing herself off from him as well. However watching him fight for dominance, watching the claws of the alpha draw blood and leave large cuts down Luke's back caused her anxiety to skyrocket.  She bit her lip as she could do nothing more then watch. Alec nudged Skylar, glancing up she shook her head, as she turned back just in time to watch Luke kill the alpha. 

She stood stoically as she watched her twin rush over to Luke's side, bombarding Jace with a plethora of questions. She rolled her eyes, how is it that I can be related to someone with no brains, no common sense and no instincts, honestly its embarrassing. "Hey! We need to get Clary back to the Institute and stay out of Downworlder business." Alec calls out to Jace, snapping Skylar out of her thoughts. She watches Jace tell them to just head back while he followed Clary like a lost puppy. Alec goes to protest more but Skylar lightly hits him and shakes her head as she walks towards the Institute. 

A/N: Guys if you find any grammar mistakes... just ignore it. I haven't been to school in like 4 months, my brain no longer works, you have no idea how many times i used abbreviations and had to correct it

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