Forever yours:

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I gazed silently across the room at him. We haven't so much as glance at each other since we last spoken. Without him placing his hand casually on my back , I feel cold and needy. My world never seemed so grim and dark before but now he is gone my world has went to hell. He glanced in my direction but I was already on the move. I threw my untouched lunch tray into the garbage can. I will do anything to steer clear of him. I will do
I tried to stuff my oversized duffle bag into my locker without much success. A pair of hands gently took the bag from me. The pair of hands molded the bag into a shape that could fit into the locker.
"How long are you going to avoid me?"
I sighed before turning to face him. He was still as beautiful as my memories remembered. His red hair fell slightly over his grey eyes. His nicely formed body was too close to mine. From I can remember he had a six pack under his sweatshirts. With a beautiful body that he would br---------.
No don't think about that!
"I'm have not been avoiding you, Zeke", I murmed as I turned back to my locker.
"Really?", he retorted,"If I recall you going the opposite direction when we are in the same hallway. Or the fact that you always avoid my messages.".
My eyes stung painfully as I held my tears in. He stepped closer before placing his hand on the small of my back.
"I....miss you", hewhispered.
I moved away from his wandering hands trying to avoid eye contact. I knew that if I looked at him , if I touched him. I knew I would break down and tell him everything. But I knew one thing that I would never lie to him. Even if it was for his own good. There was a lot of people around who could hear our interaction. But before I left I whispered as I left.
"I miss you too", before I quickly disappeared in the crowd.

I was resting with my head in my arms when my stomach suddenly lurched. My head snatched so fast I almost got whiplash. Groaning when I saw who it was wishing them away.
"I heard that you were talking to Zeke, again", Jessica said in her annoying little voice. Her cronies , two little blonds with long legs, chimed in agreement. Every since Zeke and I stopped speaking she have been trying to jump his body. Jessica used to be my best friend before Zeke came into our lives.
I painted the first layer of nail polish on her delicate fingernails.
"Are you gay,Carrie?", she asked casually.
"Nope", I replied.
"Do your mama know your gay?". I glanced up from the nail in confusion.
"....No?", I said carefully. How could my mother know I was gay if I wasn't gay? Jessica leaped up as she laughed. She tried to be careful not to smudge her nails.
"Your so gay!", she squealed, "I'm going to tell Zeke your gay".
I was confused even more confused at my rising panic. I didn't care if Zeke thought I was gay but Jessica had a habit of taking thing too far. Ever since we turned fifthteen she have been acting slightly vicious towards me when Zeke was around. Saying snide comments about my bra size or how I peed my pants when we were six.I try not to let it get to me as I chased after her.
Zeke was in her basement doing his band practice. His band name is Crazy v.s Insane and they actually sound decent. They practice in Jessica's basement because her mother is totally cool about it all. We ran full speed though her house when I reached out and grabbed her hair. She screamed and scratched me leaving three long marls on my arm.
"Why would you do that for?", she yelled at me .
"You were going to tell him a lie", I said to my defense.
She raised pale eyebrow slowly as she took a step towards me.
"You like him don't you?"
I shook my head quickly side to side. Jessica called dibs on him last month and I plan to honor her wishes. She pursed her lips as she walked down into the basement. There was guitars and drums drifted up the stairs followed by a beautiful voice that wove in out of the cords of the guitars.

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