Lost and Gone Forever: Carrie

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The days and weeks just start to blur together. I drifted between reality and my dreams. I ate, slept, pissed and shitted on my self. An every time I did this she would just stroke my hair as she cleaned me. She feed me just enough to live but not enough to keep my strength up.
"Please, Skylar", I slurred,"I won't tell anyone. If its money you want you can have it". Drool slid down my drooping mouth. When I found out where I was I tried to resist, her 'brother' hit me in the jaw. I was out for God knows how long. Skylar placed her hands on her hips as she sauntered over towards me.
"Don't you know I'm protecting you", she gently stroked my swollen jaw,"protecting you from, you".
I began to sob when she pulled out a needle and some pills. I tried to shrink away from her but the chains and the back of the chair forced me upright. My body began to shake with sobs as she grabbed my mouth roughly forcing the pills down my throat.
"These are pain pills",she said as grabbed my throat forcing me to swallow the pills whole. I whimpered when she injected the needle into my vein. My head rolled around on my neck, the pain that caused tears into my eyes.
"This little injection"she whispered," will help you relax." She pulled the needle out of my vein and called out.
My eyes flashed over to the stairwell as a large shadow that stood in the doorway. I trembled when he came into view and stopped in front of me. He had a strong jaw, nice build, and a head full of blond locks. I remembered when I first met him, I thought he was the sweetest guy alive. After Zeke of course, but he helped Skylar kidnapped me. His eyes lingered down my body resting between my legs. I jerked away when he gently stroked my swollen jaw. His blue eyes flashed as he roughly grabbing my jaw causing me to shriek in pain.
"George! Be gentle with her", she scolded him.
He let go off me in disgust before turning to Skylar. She handed him a key before gesturing to something over my shoulder. She walked behind, I strained to hear and see what they were doing. I heard the chains jingle and I felt the chains go slack. I tried to lift my arms, but suddenly it was as though someone place weights on my shoulders.
"Come along, girlie". He lifted my body and tossed me over his shoulder. I no longer had control over my limbs so I just hung limply on his shoulder.
Skylar waved us over to a large bed, my body began to tremble with fear. He laid me gently on the bed before letting his hand trail down my breast. Skylar kissed me gently on the mouth before letting her tongue trace my lips.
"Please let me go", I slurred brokenly. Skylar traced her finger around the seem of my lips.
"You've been a good girl", she pulled out her cellphone with flourish,"so I'll let you hear his voice". She pressed a button on the phone.
"Carrie please answer your phone",Noah's voice broke my heart into a thousand pieces. Skylar pressed another button.
"This is a while after you went missing", she said casually like she hadn't kidnapped me.
"Carrie...I know your out there", Noah pleaded," if by some some weird ass chance your listening to this I-----love you and please come home. If your hurt and need help we are searching for you. And haven't stopped and don't plan to". Skylar pressed another button on the phone. This time Zeke concerned voice came over the phone.
"Ummm...... Carrie. I stopped by your place after I dropped you off and you weren't home. Call me when you get okay? Love you"
Tears streamed silently down my cheeks as the next voicemail came on.
"Please come home. I don't care if you decide that you want Noah. I just want you to come home safe", he broke off in a sob before continuing,"be strong. We are going to find you soon".
Skylar put her phjone back in her pocket before turning towards me again.
"Almost made me want to let you go", she whispered," but this is your punishment. Zeke's as well as yours. You love them right?"
I don't reply I just stared at the cracked ceiling above our heads. I couldn't stop the tears from falling like I could stop them if I wanted. I couldn't scoot away and I could protect those I love from the pain that entered their hearts. Maybe Skylar was right, maybe this is mine personal hell. But why should Noah suffer for my sins. The worst part of my new hell wasn't the fact that I was being raped by my best friend and her brother. It wasnt the fact I was going to die by the hands of my best friend since eighth grade. The worst part was knowing what it would feel like to wake up with someone I loved. Or what would have happened if I stayed in Noah's apartment and confessed how I felt about him. The worst part was not knowing what it could have been. What it should have been.
I just let the medicine that Skylar injected in me drift me off into another place. A place where I could live in happiness with someone who loved me. That's why I wasn't scared when the pressure on my chest made it hard impossible to breathe. Skylar and George didn't hear me over their own grunting when I whispered. Before mi most my mind take to a happier time.
"I'm sorry".

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