Never Been Yours:

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Every since that day at the diner my relationship with Zeke has been stronger than ever. But I haven't seen Noah or talked to Noah. Its almost as though he have been avoiding me. I asked Zeke about it but he shrugged my concern off. He said that Noah have serious mood swings. One time Noah didn't speak to anyone for a whole week then next thing you know he is playing big brother.
I wanted to believe that this was one of his mood swings but it has been two weeks.
Jake blew bubbles in his chocolate milk causing it to spill on the table.
"Stop action like a fucking child", I snapped throwing a roll of paper towels to him.
In my fit of rage I threw the paper towel and it knocked the glass over.He leaped out the way knocking the chair over with a clatter. I knelt over and picked up the chair. Then I began to pick up the shards of glass with my bare hands. One of the larger shards stuck me in the palm. Blood began to flow out of the cut when I yanked out the glass. Tears began to fall out my eyes as I sobbed. I used my hands to wipe my face smearing makeup and blood onto my face.
My brother tried to pull me out of the broken glass but I screamed. My head was hurting, I was blinded by my own blood, and I was bleeding. But what hurt the most was my aching heart. I tried to stand but I just cut my hands on more glass. Which caused me to cry even more. My brother grabbed me from under the armpits and pulled me away from the glass.
"Are you okay?", he asked. I shook my head as I crawled towards the couch. Probably smearing blood all over the floor and walls. But eventually I found the couch and I pulled myself onto it.
"Shouldn't you probably clean your cuts?", Jake tried to touch my shoulder. But I jerked away and screamed at the poor kid.
"GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!". Mom and Dad won't be home for a while it was him and his out of control sister. So he did what every kid would, he ran up stairs and stayed up their. I cried and cried myself to sleep.

I felt something cold and wet touch my face softly. I lurched up quickly and a hand firmly pressed me back down. I saw a hazy image of a guy and a girl standing over me. The girl had a black hair and a blue wash cloth.
"Damn, she look like shit", she said in a loud voice that echoed in my head. I winced and covered my face with a bandaged hand. Bandaged hand?
The guy snatched the cloth from her and knelt down in front of me. He had a head full of black silky hair and forest green eyes. I reached out and touched his hair gently. He didn't reply just let me stroke his hair like I would a cat.
"Is she high too?".
"Shut up, Dekka. I didn't invite you so you can complain".
"Fine no need to be a grump. Damn,Noah, with yo sprung ass", she grumped as she moved out of my line of vision.
I tried to sit up again but he just pressed me back down. I watched him as he wiped the makeup and the blood that had caked onto my face. He got up and walked over to the coffee table and rung the towel out before walking back over.
"Why are you here?", I asked as he bandaged my other hand.
"Shush...ask questions later", he murmed as he swabbed alcohol over my cuts.
I hissed in pain and tears pricked my eyelids. He glanced up before continuing rubbing the alcohol over the cuts. I watched him discreetly as he put soothing cream over it. He had long eyelashes that could send a girl into a fit of rage. His eyelashes cast a shadow over his cheeks. His hair hung over some parts of his eyes and he had a pair of pink kissable lips. I was so caught up staring at his mouth that I didn't notice the pain anymore. All I noticed was this beautiful specimen before me. Almost as though he could sense he direction of my thoughts he looked up.
Suddenly nothing else existed but me and him. Crazy stalkers , crazy ex-girlfriends, and family rivalry all just disappeared. His pink tongue slid out as he licked his lips. He kneeled further until his face was level to face. My gaze flickered from his mouth to his eyes and back again. He lowered his head towars me with eyes trained on my lips.
Three inches.....
Two inches....
Three centimeters....
My neck tingled where he placed his hand gently and brushed his chest against mine as he leaned down
Right before our lips made contact he pulled away abruptly. My eyes shot open when I felt him move away. He was sprawled onto the loveseat with his arm covering his face. He was panting and using his other hand to pull his hair from his face. I touched my lips which tingled like it could feel his lips against mine. My body was humming wanting to pressed against his body.
"I'm sorry", he mumbled as he grabbed his hodie, which was on the coffee table. I quickly reached out and grabbed his arm.
"Why are you apologizing for?", I demanded.
"I was going to take advantage of my little brother's girlfriend", his voice was thick with self loathing.
"But....I...wa---wanted it", I whispered,"I still do". His throat worked frantically as he turned to me.
"You can't want what I want", he whispered as he stepped closer forcing me to fall back don't on the couch.
"Why not?", I was suddenly aware of how much skin I was showing. Boy shorts paired up a T-shirt and I sprawled onto the couch with Noah standing over me.
"Because if we were alone I would have done unspeakable things to you", he rasped as he stared at my quivering body.
"Like what?".
"I would kiss your lips until they are swollen", he trailed a finger down my lips,"then I would move to these lovely twins". He trailed his hand down each part of my body as he mentioned them ."Then I would kiss your midriff" he rasped as I arched my back. My body was on fire and he was the only thing that could me out.
"And------oh god", he pulled his hand back,"what are you doing to me?". I was asking myself the same thing and have been asking myself that every since we met.
I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment and horror.
"This is so wrong", he whispered quietly,"perfect time for me to develope morals".
"But it feels so good and right". He glanced towards my bare legs before he looked away quickly. He shook his head sadly.
"We have to stay away from each before something.....happens", he said miserably. I nodded in agreement. As much as my body wants Noah, my heart belongs to Zeke.
"Dekka!",he called down the hall,"Time to beat it". She ran from upstairs glancing between Noah and I, Noah shook his head a little. She shrugged and headed out of the front door grabbing her umbrella.
"Wait!", I called out to her. She didn't turn around but she stopped.
"Thanks for your help,Dekka", I said awkwardly to her back. She shrugged before saying.
"Whatever. Dont we are friends though. Noah was worried so I tagged along.", she said casually," Tell your little bro I will play soccer against him when it isn't raining". With that she left out of the house into a curtain of rain, leaving me and Noah alone.
He glanced me before striding over to me and quickly brushing his lips against mine. Before I could even react he pulled away and hurried out of the door.
"Something for me to remember", he said before he closed the door behind him. I just pressed my fingers to my lips and clutched the pillow to my chest. A single tear fell down my face as Jake walked in. He glanced at the door and back at me.
"Are you okay?", he asked carefully. I smiled tearfully and waved for him to come to me.
"Are you akay?", he repeated. I nodded and grabbed the remote control. He came over slowly before he sat down with his back to my feet.
"Liar", he mumbled,"you make the same face mom do when she is sad".
"I don't need for you to believe it", I said to quietly for him to hear,"I just need to believe it".

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