Sincerely yours:

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I stared at his sleeping face as he fought demons that I knew nothing about. His eyes rolled around under closed lids as he let loose a soft cry. My head tried to wrap around ways to bring up the subject of the letters again.
     "What was it that made you leave me for three months?", he kept his hands wrapped around mine.I stared down at our intertwined hands just like our hearts are intertwined.
I broke down and told him everything excluding the part him and some chick from three weeks ago. I told him the letters started coming eleven months ago. I told him of the threats that were implied. Such as running ou lives and making my life a living. I told him this person knew things no one knew but him. I didn't this to effect him so I left quickly before any harm came.I haven't heard anything this person for a while but suddenly the same day that we make up the letters start coming again.
      He listened intently but he frowned often though. When I finished he gazed a our hands as he formulated his thoughts. He looked up at me in confusion.
" You said that the letters been coming for the last eleven months. But we were together eight months from wh I thought happily. I thought everything was finally going good", he pulled his hands from mine as he rose from his seat. I stared down at my empty, cold hands.
"I was happy bu---------", he interrupted me with a glare.
"You should have told me! I thought I could trust you. And this is big", he struggled to find the right words to express his anger,"you should have told me. You were all alone in this matter. What if this fucking freak decided to make you them? Do you even think!?", he yelled as he stormed out the room.
I chased after him as he stomped into the kitchen. He flung open the back door which I slammed shut. He snatched his fingers as he towered over me. I stabbed him and the chest with my index finger angrily.
       I worked my mouth to formulate the right words to get though to him. But I couldnt think of anything good and my heart climbed into my throat as I stared into his green eyes. I might actually lose him again just when I got him back. But I won't beg for him to come back. I'm stronger than that if he want to leave. I frantically at the back door before I pried it open.
"I shouldn't have told you because look how at  your are acting. Screaming storming away from me. Trying leave the problem. Fine!", my tears threatened to choke me but I kept going." We were separated for three months before. And guess what I survived even if I cried almost every night I survived. So go get out!".
       I couldn't even look him in the face, I watched as his converse sneakers made their way to the door. I turned my body towards kitchen sink and let the tears spill as I heard the door click. I couldn't believe that he had actually left. Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed loudly. I was crying so loud that I could hear the footsteps. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist. My sobs ebbed to a stop as I turned slowly to see Zeke still standing there. He pulled me against his chest as I sobbed.
"I'm sorry. I'm such an ass I didn't know that when I bleed you bleed. Vice versa. I let you slip away. I may be dense but I don't make the same mistakes twice", he whispered into my hair. "Its all in the past. We both have a future together.I don't know much about algebra or who made those threats but however I know that I love you".
  I pulled back from his arms and stared at him in bewilderment. Even he looked shocked he said that.
" I always say that inside my head but it sound like I talk to myself.", he murmed to himself.
I place a trembling finger moved his lips as I stared into his eyes. His eyes were lime green and right now the were shining with love and desire. I placed a gentle kiss on his lips and pulled away.
"I love you,too". He kissed my tears away before gently kissing me.
"I love you so much. Let's put this behind us." For the sake of our love I nodded. I was willing to put it being us for now.

     I haven't even bring up the word letter in his presence. I might have won him back but the problem was still present before us. Stoking his baby soft hair, willing this ominous threat away from us. My cell phone vibrated gently in my jeans. It was on vibrate but Zeke began to stir next to me. I quickly hurried out the room to answer the call.
"Hello?", I said hesitantly in the phone.
"Carrie?", the person asked in the other end. The voice sounded slightly familiar to me almost as though had met before on a occasion.
"Why the hell are you calling if your uncertain of who his going to answer my phone?", I ask slightly annoyed. I walked into the kitchen and rested my elbows on the counter.
   There was a stunned silence on he other end. I chuckled softly into the phone I actually rendered the guy on the other end speechless.
"Way to go smart-ass", the guy on the other line said wryly," I'm guessing its safe to say the your Carrie". I don't reply I only closed the refrigator and cracked open can of soda.
"Okay, Carrie," he said putting emphasis on my name,"I'm Zeke's older brother and since I can't seem to get in contact with him. Can you give a message to him?".
"Sure", I sipped grape soda as I waited for the message.
"Tell him I'm in town,"he said before mumbling ,"not like he will care". I pursed my lips as I wondered what that was about. He said continued his message in a normal volume.
"Tell him that we will talk more when I see him. And tell him that I heard she is on her way on in town. Umm.. That's all I have to say".
Before he  could hang up the phone I blurted,"Who is she?". There was a long silence on the other line. So long in fact I began to wander if he hung up on me.
"Its none of your concern",he said before hanging up. I glared into the phone before slamming it down on the counter.
      I glanced up quickly to see Zeke standing on the foot of the stairs. Brown eye meeting glazed green ones . I smiled at his messy bed hair and rumpled clothes before waving him forward. He stumbled over and I wrapped my arms around his narrow waist. We stood like that for a moment before I pulled away from his embrace.
     He nodded toward the phone before asking," Who was that?". I looked at the phone thinking before I replied.
"It was your brother". I looked in his face ask mentioned his brother. Anger, remorse, and confusion flashed across his face before he became unreadable.
"What did he want?",he turned his back to me as he rummaged though my fridge. There was nothing he really wanted in there, it just was something for him to do.
      I stared at his back in confusion as he moved items side to side. Whatever he felt for his brother was nothing good.
      "He left a message for you", I said casually. He waited for me to relay the message. Which I did in a monotone while watching his body language. He was careful not to give anything to away but whatever he was feeling was strong. I waited for him to explain the problem between him and his brother. But he never explained himself to me. He stared down at this phone before pulling me into a hug.
"I have to get going babe. Folks are going to expect me home for his arrival". I pulled him closer as I ran my hands over his butt.
"Stay here and hang with me", I whispered, "we can play Monopoly", I half joked. He kissed me gently on the nose before pulling away.
"Sounds tempting but I can't stay", he whispered before kissing me on the lips. Then he left not before placing a lingering kiss on my lips. I closed and locked the door behind him. I gazed around the kitchen before walking upstairs holding my grape soda.
    I sat down in front of my laptop with the Google browser open. When it suddenly hit like a lighting bolt.
"Fuck! I forgot to ask Zeke's what was his name. And Zeke never answered my question. Now I can't Google them", I groaned out loud before slamming my laptop shut.
     I glanced down at my phone before I could wuss out I picked it up. I went my received calls and pressed call.
The phone began to to ring before I received a answer.

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