Always Searching for You: Dekka

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I slid further down in my car seat when the tall handsome blond haired guy walked past carry a large garbage bag over his shoulder. I watched as he threw the bag in the back seat of his car.
"You don't usually throw garbage in your back seat right?", I turned and looked at Noah. Poor guy haven't slept since she went missing.
"I don't think so", I murmed when his sister got in the car next.
I watched as they augured back and forth before settling on a decision. I have taken a special interest in Miss Skylar Jacobson every since Zeke told me how close she and Carrie were. I managed to pry information out of Noah about some blackmail letters sent to Carrie. Seems that she accused me first since I had a motive but it didn't stick and I heard about it since. I remember asking Jessica about her old pal, Carrie.
"I might have hated her guts but I wouldn't want to kidnapped her".
"What about the letters threatening her to stay away from Zeke?".
She shrugged in confusion,"ain't got nothing with me". I knew she didn't have nothing to do with Carrie going missing but I had one last question to ask. I walked away at first but then I turned back.
"Tell me about Skylar". She rolled her eyes before replying.
"She is so clingy on Carrie. You would think she was gay or in love with Carrie. Thats another reason I dropped Carrie was because of Skylar. She didnt want Carrie to have any other friends but her. Like I said gayyyyyy". I just nodded before walking away.
"Wait what about those pictures?", she called to me. I smirked before nodding.
"Consider it done". She smiled weakly before walking away. Jessica has a photo album full of pictures of Zeke. Some with clothes some with no clothes. I threatened her, after I stole her phone of course, to show Zeke and the principal. But I'm going to delete my copy of the album.
"I dont trust her or him. Should we give chase?", I glanced back down at Noah's sleeping figure.
His mother slipped two sleeping pills in his juice last night, he haven't woke up since. I nodded at his figure. It wasn't until I watched the blond haired guy lift the bag out of the backseat when Noah finally woke up. He glanced around and looked at me in confusion. I held my finger to my lips urging him to quiet.
"Where am I?", he mouthed. I glanced out of the window but they were gone. I quickly filled him in on what I thought, what I heard, and what I seen. He nodded quickly before nodding at the car door. Noah and I followed them as quietly as possible, purposely leaving our cell phones in the car. Resting on the windshield said:

If it is the help I called. The brother and sister named Skylar and George Jacobison kidnapped Carrie Watson. Noah Harrison and Dekka Dessen have went to find them. If we don't return tell our family we love them.

The blond guy, George, was complaining as he carried who I believe was Carrie.
"This bitch is heavy", he groaned. I had to dig my nails in Noah's arm to keep him under control.
"Stop complaining", Skylar snapped she was carrying the shovel," you killed her". He turned and glared at her.
"It was your idea! I didn't know what the hell was going on until she put her in our basement! Your dumbass overdosed her on that shit", he snarled at her.
Noah could no longer be control of his emotions when he lunged out and attacked George. He knocked the bag to the ground along with him and George.
"George!", Skylar raised the shovel planning to hit Noah over the head with it.
"Oh no you don't you dumb bitch!", I punched her in the back of her head with all my strength. We were fighting when she pulled out a knife and cut my arm.
"Ahhh!!!!", I screamed as I bit down on her hand that held the knife.
I stopped moving in shock. I looked up in time to see Noah roll off of George. George had a gun his hand still cocked now aimed at me.
"I need you to stay the fuck still", he snarled,"get up real nice and slow".
Something in my side cracked as my ribs took the blow from a shovel. I fell down and hit the ground hard enough to knock myself unconscious.

I opened my eyes and saw George lifting a shovel and lowering it down repeatedly. I looked over my shoulder to see where Noah was but instead I saw Carrie. Her jaw was swollen and her chest wasn't moving as it would do if she was breathing.
"Carrie", I whimpered.
I received a swift kick in the ribs for speaking. I screamed in pain and withered on the dirt. Rope dug into my wrists as I withered around.
"That terrible influence on Carrie has been eliminated by my brother", Skylar kneeled in front of me,"Carrie is gone because of your filthy ways". I spitted her shoes.
My spit was mingled with blood as it slide down her sneakers. She slapped me across the face. The blow causema cut to open and blood leaked into my eyes. The gun rested by George as he dug the hole. If only I could get over there and grab the gun we might have a chance. In the distance I heard the wail of sirens coming our way.
Skylar head raised quickly,"Did you hear that?", she called to George. He hadn't heard anything but Skylar definitely did. She placed her foot on my head grinding my face deep into the dirt.
"You called the police?", fear mingled along with shock in her voice. I didnt reply I just stared past her as a shadow moved behind her.
She stomped even harder causing pain to flutter up my shoulders.
"You did didn't you!", she whirled around, "George!". But George was lying in the dirt with blood seeping out of his mouth. She looked down at me and suddenly collapsed besides me. Noah held a shovel still cocked ready to deliver another blow. Blood was quickly coloring his blue V-neck purple with his own blood. He blinked before collapsing next to Skylar's limp body.
"Noah!", I screamed, "Someone please help us!".
I heard footsteps thunder over to us. They quickly untied me as they went over and checkefor vital signs.
"We found Carrie and she ain't breathing", one of the medics called,"wait I found a pulse but it is very slow but its there!".
They pulled out a stretcher and place me gently on it. Someone shoved a breathing mask over my face.
"Broken ribs nothing else expect a few cuts".
"Is she the one who contacted us?".
"You did good kid, damn good". I smiled before slipping under a thin veil of sleep.

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