Yours Truly:

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I mutely glared across the table at Zeke. Noah is Zeke's older brother who invited me over for dinner so he could get under Zeke's skin. Which Zeke didn't response well to. By not responding well I mean getting into a big fight about it.
"Noah", his mother said," What did you do today?". Noah sipped his hands on a napkin before he replied. His mother just given him the opening that he needed. I reached over to dig my nails into his thigh but when my nails brushed his leg he pressed my hand down. So now I'm stuck with my hand on my boyfriend's brothers thigh. But I couldn't cause a scene because it would badly on me.
"Well today I hung out with Carrie", he said before releasing my hand.
I snuck a glance over at Zeke but he avoided my gaze but instead glared at his brother. I scratched Noah's forearm under the table. He barely winced as he continued talking to his mother.
"Oh really?", she nodded as she sipped on her wine.
"She said she have much to so we meet over at Rossini's", he turned and looked at me" she thought I stood her up".
"Was he a gentleman?",she asked. Her little gentleman had his fingers digging in my thigh. Just below the hem of t skirt. My breath quickened as I sipped my juice as he squeezed my thigh playfully.
"Hardly", I half joked," he made me eat meat,again. But it was okay we talked a bit".
I tried to apologize to Zeke with my eyes but he avoided my eye again. He have been mad at me when I didn't answer his calls. Now to hear that I was hanging out with his brother, who I know he hates, from the guy he hates. Yeah I'm in hot water with Zeke. He just excused himself from the table and left the table. I smacked Noah's hand off my lap and ran after him.
I twirled the can of grape soda in my hands. Glancing over the clock on the wall said it was six-oh three. Was surposed to be here by five-thirty. But only old people have appeared and some really cute guy with black hair have been here when I came in.
The guy with the black hair made his way over to me. Judging from looks he was around my age, about seventeen. He was your typical bad-boy or torturted artist but instead of it being weird it looked really good on him.
"Is this seat taken?", he asked. Judging from his accent he was from maybe New York. I shrugged before I kicked the chair out for him.
He had bright green eyes that reminded me of green apples and a little bit of Zeke judging from the eye shape. Speaking of Zeke I pull out my cellphone. I had three missed calls from him and zero calls from mysterious Noah. I pressed redial and waited for it to began ringing.
The guy who was now sitting across from me fumbled for his phone . I stared at him confusion when he answered his phone.
"Hello?". I stared at him in confusion when his voice came out of my phone.
"Noah?", I bit out mildly as I glared at him from across the table. It was quickly becoming obvious when he stared at his phone in confusion. His eyes flickered from it to me in confusion.
"Well this just got awkward", he said into the phone as he looked me. I reached over and slapped the phone of his hand. It was taking everything in me not to strangle him. He went and retrieved his cellphone before smiling at me .
"We aren't going to get along are we?", he asked.
"Not one bit", I said snidely. He ordered himself a burger and two grape sodas.
"So what do ya want to know?", he said as he bit into the burger. The smell of the grease overpowered the old lady smell causing my mouth to water.
"How come I never heard of you?", I decided to make this my opening question since I don't know shit about him.
He looked at me thoughtfully before saying "Your so full of shit".
"Just ask me what you want to know?", he said bitterly before slamming down his burger. This guy's moods swing are really something. First he is all annoying then next he all brooding.
"Answer my question", I demanded. He just raised his eyebrow and glared at me. I decided to try another approach to get answers.
"Please...pretty please".
"My parents got divorced when I was a two. Mom remarried had Zeke, I was living them during this time. Was a total ass when I was younger. In out juvie most of my life parents were fighting for custody of me. They still hate each other and whatever. Zeke met some chick the he fell hard for. She was nothing but trouble",he explained before taking a breathe and chewing his food. He carefully formulated his thoughts as he watched my reaction.
We stared at each other for a moment as I tried to keep up with his story.
"So he fell hard for her. My mother figured that the area was a bad influence on both of us. We were about fifteen at this poin. I was on the road of being a total fuck up. Zeke was beginning to become a fuck up. So mom made me go live with dad. And Zeke and her hubby would move away to a better place. But Zeke was in love the crazy bitch so they ran away together. It took me weeks to find him. He was half dead but totally content with his life. And that's what scared me the most. But in the end I convinced him that she was no good for him. Now he think I'm hell bent on destroying his life. And stealing his girlfriends".

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