Chapter 17: The Fight

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Hey everyone! Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy!


Chapter 17: The Fight

            Straight off we see two lesser members of the guard. Emmett and Jasper take them out as Bella starts a fire to burn them. As the sound of limbs being torn apart fills the air more members of the guard arrive. This time Jacob and the wolves attack, all the while pushing our group in the direction of the throne room. Edward said that Aro and most of the guard would be there trying to keep the ancients and the wives safe.

            So far none of our family was injured. This included the wolves and extended family. With Bella’s mind shield no mental powers effected those around her. Kate, who could now push her shocking gift out like a shield, became a guard against surprise physical attacks. Ian and I knew the castle the best so we were at point, leading the way. The further we got the less soldiers we encountered. It seemed like the alarm had been raised and they were all converging in the throne room.

            One room we came to Alec stopped us and said that this was where the hybrids were being kept. We looked inside to see two half vampires around David’s age, both girls, two baby half vampires, a girl and a boy who looked around six months old but were probably only days old, and one human that looked ready to give birth at any moment. Among them were five guards. Ian immediately attacked one of the guards and I went for the one by the human woman. Edward and Alice took out the other three. Again a fire was built to burn the guards’ remains. We could not leave them unprotected so Rose, Nessie, Jake, Leah, David, Esme, and Angela stayed to protect them. The rest of us went on to see Aro.

I knew a good portion of the guard was dead but was still leery of what awaited us in the throne room. On the way there Alice advised us to try and get Aro talking. There was no future where a fight did not take place but we would have a better chance if we kept Aro talking.

We rounded the last corner and the throne room door came into view. By now they could hear us approaching as easily as we could hear them shifting around nervously. It was rare to find the guard in such a nervous fit but since it was a surprise attack they were at a loss as to what to do. I tuned into Aro’s mind to see what they knew. I was shocked to find that he did not know who was attacking his castle. He believed it was the Cullen’s but he did not know for sure. I quickly connected to the minds of my true family and told them what I knew.

Our group was now just outside the double doors. All the guards were just inside. Ian and I were still at point. I glanced at him and sent him an ‘I love you’ before nodding and together we opened the doors.

I gave a small gasp and tried to hide a small smile. I knew that in front of me stood all the guards left in Aro’s command. Not only was there a significantly smaller amount than I imagined but they were also mostly lesser guards. Meaning they were not as loyal to Aro as Jane was. Standing behind all his “protectors” was Aro with Sulpicia. Caius, Athenodora, and Marcus were there as well. The Volturi wives looked vulnerable and Marcus looked sadly at me.

“My daughter, you have returned to me. And I see you have brought the Cullen rebels as well, good job.” Aro smiled at me.

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