Plant the Love

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"Love, I'm home!" Crowley kicked the door shut and set down the numerous shopping bags hanging on his long arms. "They were out of your body wash, so I got something called 'Caramel Delight--'on that note, why the Heaven is every self-care product in the whole bloody world advertised as some kinda sexual dessert? I get perfumes, they're inherently a sexual thing, but--oh wait." He picked up the bottle and frowned. "Sorry, not 'Caramel Delight--' 'French Vanilla Souffle.' I almost got the caramel one, but--hey, you okay?"

Jenna had entered the living room, looking pale and very apprehensive. Crowley immediately dropped the bottle and walked over to take her cold hands. "Sweetie? What's wrong? Did something--"

"I'm gonna tell you something," she began, tone and eyes very serious, "and you need to promise to stay calm. Alright?"

Crowley was starting to panic now. "What happened?" he asked darkly, taking off his sunglasses to glare around the room. "Was it Hastur? It's Hastur isn't it--did he threaten you?"

"No, you know he can't do that." She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Hecate's spell--"

"Or Gabriel? It's Gabriel, I'm sure of it. That bastard's gonna--"

"Crowley!" Jenna sandwiched his anxious face between her hands and stared at him intensely. "No. One. Threatened. Anyone. It's not that kind of problem. It's--just sit down." The Celestern guided him to the couch, sat him down and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm fine. Believe me, I am fine." She chuckled dryly, rolling her eyes, then sat down on a footrest across from him and took another deep breath, looking at Crowley guiltily. 

"Whatever it is love, you know I don't care!" he began, golden eyes pained at seeing her so distressed. "I only care that you're okay--" 

Jenna held up a hand and he stopped. The Celestern took her deepest breath yet, then began, "So, you know how I just--I just kinda sing, and don't always know I'm doing it?"

The demon smiled--that was one of the things he loved best about her, and there was plenty to choose from. "Sure! Why, did--"

Jenna held her hand up again. "Please, I just gotta get this out," she explained seriously. Crowley didn't understand, but nodded and shut up. "Thank you. So, I was putting away the Halloween decorations, and I guess feeling excited for the holidays, cuz I started singing Christmas songs.  Including the religious ones. In Latin." 

Crowley grinned indulgently. "Honey, I've told you that's fine! Our home isn't desecrated, and as heavenly as your voice is, it can't hurt me, 'Adestes Fidelis' or no 'Adestes Fidelis!'"

Jenna gulped. "Well, see, that's the thing. I was taking down red and black streamers and singing 'Veni, Veni Emmanuel--'"

"A classic. Sorry, go on." 

"Uh, your, um, plant door, which was only a few feet away, may or may not have," she admitted tentatively, wincing apologetically and twisting her fingers together.

Crowley blinked and frowned. "Oh. Ohhhh, um--"

"But!" she added fervently, eyes wide with worry, "once I saw it was open I closed it real quick. Then I doused myself in Hellfire--to, y'know, un-holify myself--and played heavy metal in the greenhouse for exactly 66 minutes and 6 seconds, then said six "Hail Satans" and a lot of pretty colorful swears, and put that weird gargoyle figurine in there for good measure."

The young Celestern stared at Crowley, who was still a bit frozen, hesitantly. "I am so, so, so very very sorry for Blessing your plants!" she cried after a few silent moments. "I'll buy you new ones, even that giant Little Shop of Horrors Venus flytrap you wanted and I said would give me nightmares, or I'll--"

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