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TW: smut, explicit sex, low self-esteem, conception discussion


"Oh Crowley...." Jenna moaned, gazing up at her demon with eyes heavy and hazy with lust. "That's--yeah right there, keep going, please don't stop--"

Crowley groaned as he moved in and out of her faster, serpent eyes locked on hers. "Oh Jenna you feel ssssso fucking good--fuck I'm gonna disssscorporate--"

Jenna cried out in pleasure as Crowley reached her special spot, and wrapped her long limbs around him, pulling him closer. "Harder Crow, please! Right there, right--YES! FUCK YES CROWLEY!"

Crowley was in heaven. Jenna was beneath him, moaning and whimpering and crying out his name with such love it was intoxicating, writhing and bucking up to meet his thrusts, gorgeous body covered in sweat and love bites, soft breasts held tight against his chest. He loved nothing more than to make her happy, worship her, help her realize how special she was. Nothing was better than this. Nothing.

"C-Crowley," Jenna whimpered, breathing heavily, "I--I'm gonna c-come--"

"Come for me, my ssssweet darling," Crowley gently growled in that low voice she liked, hissing involuntarily and reaching down to rub her clitoris. "Let me ssssee you come undone with pleasssssure, my goddessssssss."

Jenna came with a piercing cry, clinging to Crowley as her body tightened and shivered. The demon came seconds later, growling and pulsing hot cum into her body as she milked him dry. When both were spent, he collapsed and buried his face in the crook of her neck, panting heavily. "Oh thank you darling, that was magnificent. You're so good, you make me so happy--"

"I love you, honey," Jenna whispered, eyes wet as she kissed the side of Crowley's face. "Oh you make me feel so good, so safe and loved and wonderful--"

"Fuck, I'm so fucking lucky you let me touch you--let me worship you, my glorious goddess, my beauty--"

"I never thought I could feel this good," Jenna confessed, sniffling. "I never thought anyone would want me, and now the most beautiful, sweetest being in the world does--you take such good care of me, Crowley--"

"Oh Jenna--" Crowley sobbed, shaking and clinging to her like a drowning man. Jenna gently rubbed his back as they both released tears of joy, of incredulity, of grief and love and euphoria.

When they were too exhausted to continue, the Celestern and her demon just lay there, breathing softly and enjoying the feel of each other's skin. Jenna played with Crowley's hair, smelling and twirling it in her fingers and tenderly scratching his scalp, which he loved.

" know how we've talked about--about kids, right?"

The demon stiffened, as she knew he would. Grunting, he lifted himself off her gently and rested next to her on his side, facing her. His expression was pained, conflicted, all lines and apologies and uncertainty. "I--I know how much you want them....."

"Have you given any thought to.....just, I think you would make a great father." Jenna rolled over to face him and moved closer so that they were in a safe bubble of intimacy, under the covers. "I know you don't agree--"

"You see how I am with the plants, Jenna--"

"You're so wonderful with children, though!" she pleaded, voice cracking a bit. "They love you so much, sweetheart--"

"I---" Crowley sighed, resting his forehead against hers and closing his eyes. "I love children. I want to give you children, and I want a family with you so much, Jenna. But--" his voice cracked, and he shut his eyes tighter in a vain attempt to keep the tears inside. "I'm a demon! I--I'll just hurt them, if they were mine--"

"You didn't hurt Warlock!" Jenna argued gently, kissing him gently. "Or those children you saved from the Flood! Or Jesus!" 

"They weren't MINE, though! They didn't have my cursed blood, my--my eyes--"

"Oh darling....."

"I wasn't ultimately responsible for their well-being," muttered the demon. "Warlock had his.....for lack of a better word, 'parents'.......Jesus had Mary and Joseph, and....."

"The children on the ark didn't have parents anymore, Crowley. They'd all drowned. You were ultimately responsible for them." Jenna sat up and cradled Crowley's head to her chest, stroking his face and hair. "And you took care of them, Crow. You took such good care of all those terrified, soaking wet kids....."

Tears pricked at Crowley's eyes as he remembered; he nuzzled into her chest and wept softly.

"Oh my sweet sweet demon," Jenna cooed soothingly. "You're so loving, so gentle and patient and darling--"

"I-I'll ruin them!" he sobbed, eyes screwed shut, clinging tightly to his beloved. "I'll ruin your babies, your children! I can only pollute, corrupt, poison--"

"Crowley, breathe," Jenna commanded gently. "Breathe with me, okay? In and out, nice and slow darling...."

It took him a few minutes, but Crowley eventually settled into a shallow but fairly even breathing pattern, and his tears abated. "Very good, sweetie. Now, I need you to listen to me, okay?"

Crowley nodded, nuzzling into the warmth of her bosom.

"What you said is not true. Not only does my stomach confirm that, but I already knew it wasn't true. We don't have to have kids, I just want to spend eternity with you, but if we do, you will be the best father ever. I'm telling you, it's a fact so you can't argue. You can worry, but it doesn't change the facts. Do you understand?"

Crowley nodded again, sniffling and crying a bit more. "Jenna, I'm--I'm so scared--"

"Me too, my darling serpent," she assured him, cradling his head gently. "I'm scared too. And it's okay if you really don't want them--"

"Of COURSE I do!" Crowley exclaimed, looking up at her with blazing golden eyes. "There is nothing I want more than to have babies with you, raise children, teach them about the world......I want it so much it hurts, love--"

"Oh Crowley!" Jenna's eyes teared up too, and she smiled.

"I'm just--not ready yet," he admitted. "I need time to prepare, and research, and--"

"Oh don't worry, I'm certainly not ready!" Jenna assured him, laughing. "Just......wanted to know if it was on the horizon, at all."

"I--I want it to be......I need to....I need to know I won't hurt them...."

"You won't, but I understand. Take all the time you need, darling."

"Thank you, love."

Jenna lowered herself and curled up with Crowley. He wrapped his long arms around her and gently sang to her until they both fell asleep.

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