New things

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TW: smut (oral sex and touching), language. K this is my first time writing explicit smut, so.....I am so very sorry 😂

"Crowley?" Jenna asked shyly, resting her cheek on his chest. "C-can I ask you something?"

"Of course, sweetheart," he crooned, gently stroking her hair and gazing down at her with slight concern. "You know you can always ask anything. What's on your mind, love?"

Jenna gulped, unsure how to proceed, then sighed and closed her eyes tightly. "C-could we talk about--about maybe trying, new?"

Crowley's hand stilled. "Y-you mean, um, in bed?" he clarified shakily, rubbing the back of his neck and blushing scarlet.

Jenna nodded, still keeping her eyes closed, blushing almost as much as her demon. Crowley cleared his throat. "Um, sure! Yeah, what--wait." He froze, then looked down at her in alarm. "D-did I do something wrong, or h-hurt you--"

"No! No, of course not, my darling," she assured him vehemently, reaching up and kissing his cheek a few times tenderly. "You are so gentle and respectful, always checking in with me--you make me feel so amazing, Crowley--"

Crowley made a choking noise as she kissed his neck and breathed such sweet words on his skin. "Ngk! O-okay, good, I was w-worried....."

"I'm sorry sweetie, it's nothing like that." Jenna kissed his chest, then settled her cheek back on it. "I just--um, well, you know how I said I didn't want to do any, um, oral stuff, yet?"

Crowley thought back to their first time, just a week ago. It was the most glorious experience of his long life. Before doing anything though, he'd sat her down (literally) in his room for a serious discussion of boundaries: safe words, comfort levels, anything she didn't feel good about doing, etc. He emphasized that he didn't care what they did, as long as she felt good, and she shouldn't apologize for stating what she needed; he then reiterated this when she felt bad for not wanting to give or receive oral sex. "Yes, of course. And you know that not only do I not care, but I'm just so happy you told me what you needed, right?"

Jenna smiled into his silk nightshirt. "Yes," she murmured, feeling aroused by his devotion to and delight in her comfort.

"Good," he said firmly, feeling more than a bit aroused himself at the memory of their first of several sexual encounters, but not wanting that to distract him from this important conversation. "Um, so, what did you--"

"I want to try it," she breathed, desire coursing through her veins at the thought of going down on Crowley. "I really want to suck your cock and make you come--"

"F-fucking hhhhell--" hissed the demon, finding it nearly impossible not to roll onto and claim her right then. Jenna hardly ever said things like that, but when she did it turned Crowley on to the max. The first time she'd begged Crowley to "please fuck" her, he'd nearly discorporated on the spot.

"And-and maybe you can go down on me too. If-if you want," she whispered so shyly it was nearly imperceptible, but Crowley heard it loud and clear.

Growling low in his throat, he did flip onto her now, kissing her full lips hard and undulating lightly against her soft body. "'If I want,'" he repeated, chuckling darkly. "Oh how you tease me, my sweet--"

"Crowley--" Jenna gasped, pupils blown wide and cheeks flushed. She loved when he used that low, seductive tone, and the feel of his hard cock against her aching sex. "Oh C-Crowley--"

"If you allow me," he murmured, suckling that spot under her ear that made her whimper, "I'll worship your magnificent pussy for hours, my darling--there's nothing I would rather do--"

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