Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I find it hard to sleep with Crell nuzzling my neck. He had a rather long argument with Eve earlier about where my quarters are. Of course Crell wanted me to bunk with him but Eve kept suggesting that I might want a room to myself. It all ended with me having to choose between them. I chose Crell’s room of course.

Maybe that room sounds a lot better now. But whatever. I like being next to Crell.

“You’re not yet snoring,” he murmurs against my neck and I smile.

“How can I if you keep nuzzling my neck?” I say. “It’s distracting.”

“This distracts you?” he says and nuzzles my neck even more. I giggle and he kisses my neck, then my shoulder. I shifted against him so that he’s lying on his elbow, looking down at me.

“You trying to soften me up for something?” I ask in a sweet voice. Crell grins and nods. I roll my eyes. “Sorry, but I’m not in the mood.”

“Since when  are you not in the mood for sex?” he asks in a fake offended tone of voice. I roll my eyes again. Suddenly, I felt his hand is under my shirt, just at my belly, making shapes with his finger and softly tickling me. This is usually what he does to get me into saying yes to him with anything and he knows it works. This technique has been proven a lot of times. But I’m not really in the mood so I shake my head no.

He sighs and nods. He leans down and kisses the tip of my nose, retracts his hand shifts so that facing away from him. My back to his front. He kisses the back of my head and says, “Sleep, sweet girl. I’m not letting you out of my sight from now on.”

With those soft words lingering around my mind, I drifted off into the nicest sleep and dreamt of him.

 Crell assured me that I would like it here. Well, he’s full of shit. I barely got to hang out with him the whole day! Alex is probably the nicest person here who treats me like I’m a real human being!

Alex says that Eve and Jett made an exception when Crell asked to hang out with me yesterday but he has to make up for lost time for today. Crell is in charge with helping the people here with the farming and stuff.

Eve assigned me a job as well. I got to wash the clothes since Crell said he wanted me close to the house so that in case of an emergency, I can go in pretty quickly. Overprotective. I know.

But you wanna know what’s annoying? Val. Whenever Crell and I are alone, she always shows up and she acts like this fake annoying girl who’s just being friendly and wants to be around us when she clearly detests me.

And today, she gets to hang out with Crell. They work together, they eat together. If I so much as find out that they shower and sleep together, I will slit the girl’s throat while she’s asleep.

At the end of the day, I showered and changed into a blue fitted sweater and a baggy sleeveless red linen shirt.

I found Crell sitting at one of the couches looking exhausted and oh so cute with his eyes closed and his head leaned back. I wanted to creep up to him and snuggle against his arms right now but something stopped me.

Val had crept up to him first and jumped so that he would be startled. They both laugh and I turn the other direction quickly so they won’t see me. I have a right to be jealous, right?

“Oh, Gen, there you are!” Jett says emerging from his room. “I was about to go out and look for you. Anyway, we’re going out for a raid next week and I want to ask Crell but I know he’ll just say no. So, I’m asking you if you want to join us.”

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